Archaea differ from bacteria in that archaea


Answer 1
Answer: Archaea have more complex RNA polymerases than Bacteria, similar to Eucarya. Unlike bacteriaarchaea cell walls do not contain peptidoglycan. Archaea have different membrane lipid bonding from bacteria and eukarya. There are genetic differences.

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Strength:  The strength range must include 2-6 sets, repetitions should be less than or equal to six, resistance must be offered for 2-5 minutes.

Muscular endurance: The muscular endurance must include repetitions of 12-16 and resistance must be increased by 5% by each repeat.

Muscular power: The sets must be 3-5 times with repeats of 1-2 times and resistance must also be provided.

Hypertrophy: The sets of repeats must be 6-12 times. The resistance must be offered for 30-90 seconds.

Describe the process of pollination and fertilization in flowering plants?



Pollination is the transfer of pollen from the male part of the flower, known as the anther, to the female part of the flower, known as the stigma. This can occur through a variety of methods, including wind, water, or through the action of animals. Once the pollen lands on the stigma, it begins to grow a tube down through the style of the flower towards the ovary.

Fertilization occurs when the pollen tube reaches the ovary and fertilizes the egg cell inside the ovule. The fertilized egg cell then develops into a seed, while the ovary develops into a fruit. The process of fertilization requires the transfer of genetic information from the male parent to the female parent, which occurs when the sperm cell from the pollen combines with the egg cell in the ovule.

After fertilization, the ovule develops into a seed, which contains the genetic material necessary for the growth and development of a new plant. The fruit, which develops from the ovary, provides protection for the seeds and helps to disperse them away from the parent plant. This process of pollination and fertilization is essential for the reproduction of flowering plants, and allows for genetic diversity and evolution within plant populations.

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Recovery from the 2008-2009 recession was agonizingly slow. what factors might have constrained faster growth?


Recovery from the 2008-2009 recession was agonizingly slow due to the following factors:

1. The recession had an impact on most of the industrialized West, not only the United States. As the recession spread to Europe, the United States's biggest market, it had a 360 degree impact on America's exports as well.

2. The US was spending a lot on the Iraq and Afghanistan wars. While this was theoretically supporting millions of jobs in the war industry, for the average person, there was no benefit. Billions that could have been used to help people, were used elsewhere.

3. Rising debt was also a problem. The recession opened up the hidden truth behind America's prosperity, the debt problem. Most people and institutions were spending war more than what they had and when the debt started to mount up, there was very little flexibility left.

4. We also have to admit that the response for the recession was too late. Firstly, the government should not have let a recession happen. However, once it did, they waited for Lehman brothers to completely fail before taking concrete actions.

In mice, the autosomal locus coding for the β-globin chain of hemoglobin is 1 m.u. from the albino locus. Assume for the moment that the same is true in humans. The disease sickle-cell anemia is the result of homozygosity for a particular mutation in the β-globin gene.a. A son is born to an albino man and a woman with sickle-cell anemia. What kinds of gametes will the son form, and in what proportions? (2 points)b. A daughter is born to a normal man and a woman who has both albinism and sickle-cell anemia. What kinds of gametes will the daughter form, and in what proportions? (2 points)c. If the son in part a grows up and marries the daughter in part b, what is the probability that a child of theirs will be an albino with sickle-cell anemia? (1 point)




The disease sickle cell anemia is caused by homozygosity for a mutation:

  • SS or Ss genotypes: normal
  • ss: anemia

Albinism is a recessive trait:

  • AA or Aa: normal
  • aa: albinism

The genes S/s and A/a are linked and separated by 1  map unit.

Remember that 1 mu means that 1% of the gametes produced by an individual will be recombinant.

a) Albino man (Sa/Sa) X woman with sickle-cell anemia (sA/sA)

Son: Sa/sA

The gametes he can produce are:

  • Parentals: Sa and sA
  • Recombinant: SA and sa

Since the frequency of recombination is 1% (or 0.01), each recombinant gamete has a frequency of 0.005 (since there are two possible recombinant gametes).

The parental gametes will appear with a frequency of 0.99, each of them with a frequenct of 0.495.

b) Normal man (SA/SA) X woman with anemia and albinism (sa/sa)

Daughter: SA/sa

The gametes she can produce are:

  • Parentals: SA (0.495) and sa (0.495)
  • Recombinant: Sa (0.005) and sA (0.005)

c) Son (Sa/sA) X daughter (SA/sa)

In order for them to have an albino child with anemia (sa/sa), the gamete sa from each parent had to be produced and fused into the zygote. Since the production of gametes by each parent is an independent event, the probability of having sa/sa offspring can be calculated as:

Prob. sa gamete son × Prob. sa gamete daughter = 0.005 × 0.495 = 0.0025

The probability that a child of theirs will be an albino with sickle-cell anemia is 0.25%

Was the rate of increase of sucrase activity greater when sucrose concentration went from 2.5 to 7.5 g/l or when it went from 22.5 to 27.5 g/l?


Answer: It is greater when sucrose concentration went from 2.5 to 7.5g/l.

Explanation: The rate of reaction of an enzyme is known to be affected by the rate of concentration of its substrate, which in this case is the sucrose Solution.

If the rate of increase of concentration is high,the activities of the enzyme SUCRASE will increase accordingly, in order to breakdown the substrate.

The rate of increase of Sucrose from 2.5 to 7.5g/l is higher(300%) than the rate of Increase of Sucrose from 22.5 to 27.5g/l (1.22%). It is expected under circumstances that the action of SUCRASE will increase at a rate higher in the first Solution than in the second Solution.

Final answer:

The rate of increase in sucrase activity depends on the concentration of sucrose and whether or not the enzyme is saturated. The increase could be greater at lower concentrations (2.5 to 7.5 g/l) if sucrase is not yet saturated. The increase might be less at higher concentrations (22.5 to 27.5 g/l) if sucrase is near or at saturation point.


The increase in sucrase activity is generally considered to be a response to the concentration of substrate present, in this case, sucrose. The increase in activity happens because more substrate (sucrose) is available for the enzyme (sucrase) to act upon. However, there is a limit to this increase. Once the enzyme is saturated with substrate, further increases in substrate concentration do not increase the enzyme's activity. This is known as the saturation point.

To determine whether sucrase activity increased more when sucrose concentration increased from 2.5 to 7.5 g/l or from 22.5 to 27.5 g/l, we would need specific data on the rate of sucrase activity at these different concentrations. It's possible that the increase from 2.5 to 7.5 g/l was greater if this is in the ascending portion of the enzyme activity curve and the sucrase was not yet saturated with sucrose. Conversely, the increase from 22.5 to 27.5 could be lesser if the sucrase is near or at saturation point.

Learn more about sucrase activity