Sometimes rock has both large and small mineral crystals.How can you explain this?


Answer 1
Answer: Well, different rocks may have gone through different geologic processes. For example, rocks that have undergone lots and lots of heat and pressure may have different size grains than rocks who have undergone lesser amounts of heat and pressure. 
Answer 2
Answer: He reason why minerals have different sized crystals is for many reasons. One because crystals grow bigger over time and two some minerals might not be that old. And three some just grow faster than other due to the properties of there surroundings

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A straight horizontal line on a speed-time graph means the speedis constant. This means the speed is not changing over time.
How is this different from a distance-time graph?​



its devavtion is different from the distance changes process


Final answer:

A speed-time graph and a distance-time graph represent different aspects of motion. A horizontal line on the former indicates a constant speed (zero acceleration), while a straight, upward-diagonal line on the latter shows constant speed. A flat horizontal line on a distance-time graph shows no movement.


A speed-time graph and a distance-time graph each depict different aspects of motion. A horizontal line on a speed-time graph does indeed indicate constant speed or zero acceleration; the object is moving at a constant speed. However, a distance-time graph shows how the position of the object changes over time.

Let's take an example. If a car is traveling at a constant speed, on a speed-time graph, this would be represented by a horizontal line. The height of the line above the time axis represents the constant speed.

On a distance-time graph, a car moving at constant speed will be represented by a straight line with a positive slope. This is because the position of the car is continuously changing (it's covering distance), and at a constant rate. The slope of the distance-time graph gives us the speed of the car.

So, while a flat horizontal line in a speed-time graph indicates constant speed, a flat horizontal line in a distance-time graph would indicate no change in position, i.e., the object is not moving at all.

Learn more about Speed-Time vs Distance-Time Graphs here:


The energy stored in gasoline is A chemical energy
B electromagnetic energy
C mechanical energy
D nuclear energy


The answer is A, Chemical Energy.

Final answer:

Gasoline stores chemical energy, which can be transformed to other types of energy via chemical reactions, such as the combustion in a car engine.


The energy encapsulated within gasoline can be precisely characterized as chemical energy. This type of energy is encapsulated within the chemical bonds of various compounds, encompassing molecules and atoms. It is significant to note that chemical energy, as a versatile energy form, can be both liberated and harnessed as a source of power in diverse applications.

In the case of gasoline, it represents a potent reservoir of chemical energy. When gasoline undergoes combustion in the engine of a car, it engages in a chemical reaction. This reaction leads to the release of the energy contained within the chemical bonds of gasoline molecules. This released energy manifests in the form of mechanical power, propelling the vehicle, and heat energy, which warms the engine and the surrounding environment. In this process, gasoline's chemical energy is converted into mechanical and thermal energy, illustrating the dynamic interplay between different forms of energy in our daily lives.

The precise understanding of chemical energy's role in powering engines and facilitating various industrial processes underscores the fundamental principles of energy transformation and utilization, forming the basis of many technological advancements and applications.

Learn more about Chemical Energy here:


A teacher listed the following two processes.• Process 1: water changing to ice in a refrigerator
• Process 2: steam coming out of a kettle filled with hot of water

Which table correctly identifies the change of state taking place in each example?
Process Phase Change
1 Liquid to gas
2 Liquid to gas
Process Phase Change
1 Liquid to gas
2 Liquid to solid
Process Phase Change
1 Liquid to gas
2 Gas to Liquid
Process Phase Change
1 Liquid to solid
2 Liquid to gas


The answer is D because water changing to ice is liquid to solid and water turning to gas is liquid to gas.
so we know that water is a liquid, ice is a solid (block) and steam is a gas. With this information, change out the process and see which is true (I will check your answer if you comment below)

Please explain as if I am a 6 year old; why is time travel theoretically impossible?


Why exactly do you mean
Time travel would create paradoxes and history could be altered, resulting in something called the "butterfly effect". This means that even the smallest of changes can result in a HUGE difference. If you traveled back in time, you would interact with people and things. This would alter history, creating massive ripples in time. The movie "Back to the Future" and the new Harry Potter book have great examples of this. Hope I answered your question!

Which parts of the graph would increase if all of earth's polar ice melts? Which part would decrease?



the answer to the question is the part that is reflected by clouds and atmosphere 26%

Final answer:

If all of Earth's polar ice melts, the global sea level and average global temperature would increase, while the area covered by ice in the polar regions would decrease.


If all of Earth's polar ice melts, several parts of the graph would increase. One part that would increase is the global sea level. As the ice melts, the water would contribute to higher sea levels. Another part that would increase is the average global temperature. The melting ice would release more greenhouse gases, which would further contribute to global warming. Hurricanes and extreme weather events would also increase in frequency and intensity.

On the other hand, the part of the graph that would decrease is the area covered by ice in the polar regions. With the melting of the polar ice, the ice extent would significantly shrink, leading to decreased ice coverage over the Arctic and Antarctic regions.

Learn more about Effects of melting polar ice here:


Sort the questions based on whether they are better answered by an observational study or a controlled experiment.How effective is a new
toothpaste in reducing

How does the daytime
• temperature affect the
formation of dew at night?

Which is a better absorber
of heat, an object painted
black or the same object
painted white?

Can plants prepare food
even in artificial light?

Why does a rolling ball slow
down as it moves?



Following questions are better answered by observational study:

- How does the daytime temperature affect the formation of dew at night?

- How effective is a new toothpaste in reducing cavities?

Following questions are better answered by controlled experiment:

- Which is a better absorber of heat, an object painted black or the same object painted white?

- Why does a rolling ball slow down as it moves?

- Can plants prepare food even in artificial light?


An observational study is one in which the researcher doesn't manipulate anything.

In a controlled experiment, the researcher manipulate the outcome of the experiment and controls the factors that might affect the experiment to see different results in different conditions.

So, for questions over which research do not have any control, mostly natural processes, observational study is a better option.

However, to check why a rolling ball slow down, controlled experiments are done to find out all the factors.

Plants placed in artificial light is also an controlled experiment as the researcher will himself place the plants in artificial light and keep them away from natural light.

Similarly, to check if color of the object affects the amount of heat absorbed by that object, a controlled experiment must be performed. Same object should be painted white and observed and then painted black and observed.