The nervous system of a clam is very simple. How can a clam function with such a simple nervous system?


Answer 1

a clam basically extends with the fragile outer system frame, therefore it retracts after a while, one of the main reasons we retrieve pearls from shells and clams.

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The way that summation operates in a post-synaptic cell is that the C) input from many cells is required for it to fire.

Which is not part of the conducting portion of the respiratory system?


The part that is not the conducting portion of the respiratory system is the alveoli, which is in option D, as this is not a part of the conducting portion but a part of the respiratory system. So, option d is correct.

The alveoli are small, thin-walled sacs located at the end of the bronchioles in the lungs. They are responsible for gas exchange, where oxygen is taken up from the inhaled air and carbon dioxide is released into the exhaled air. While the alveoli are an essential part of the respiratory system, they are not considered part of the conducting portion. Instead, they are part of the respiratory portion, where gas exchange occurs.  So, option d is correct.

Learn more about the respiratory system here.


complete question is below

which is not part of the conducting portion of the respiratory system?




Answer:Which is not part of the conducting portion of the respiratory system? The epithelial lining of the oropharynx and the superior larynx (vocal cords) is nonkeratinized stratified squamous. In general, respiratory zone structures are lined with a thicker mucosa than conducting zone structures.


brainliest pls

Unlike T lymphocytes, B lymphocytes


Unlike T lymphocytes, B lymphocytes arise from the bone marrow Bursa of Fabricus (in fowl) and gut-associated lymphoid tissue (Peyer's Patches); they are the major constituents of the humoral immunity or antibody-mediated immune system; they defend against viruses and bacteria that enter the blood and lymph; they are formed by the division of plasma cells; and plasma cells do not have inhibitory effect on the immune system.

Fossils in _______ layers of rock are generally estimated to be _______ than fossils found in the deeper layers. (3 points) Explain your answer for justification.older, younger

newer, younger

older, older

newer, older


Newer, younger

The sentence says “than fossils found in the deeper layers” The deeper fossils are older. “Than” is a contrasting word, so they’re looking for the opposite of deeper.

Newer layers of rock have younger fossils because fewer layers of dirt and rock have had a chance to compress on top of them.

Answer: B) newer, younger


I took the test

What are the phases of meiosis? ( full explanation and in order )


Interphase: -the cell replicates its chromosomes -each chromosome has two sister chromatids held together by a centromere Prophase 1 chromosomes coil up and a spindle forms -homologous chromosomes come together matched gene by gene forming a tetrad -Crossing Over may occur when chromatids exchange genetic material -this occurs two or three times per pair of homologous chromosomes -Crossing Over results in new combinations of alleles on a chromosomes Metaphase 1: -the centromere of each chromosome becomes attached to a spindle fiber -the spindle fibers pull the tetrads to the equator of the spindle -homologous chromosomes are lined up side by side as tetrads Anaphase 1: -homologous chromosomes separate and move to opposite ends of the cell -centromeres do not split -this ensures that each new cell will receive only one chromosome from each homologous pair Telophase 1: -the spindle breaks down and the chromosomes uncoil -the cytoplasm divides to yield two new cells -each cell has half the genetic information of the original cell because it has only one homologous chromosome from each pair Prophase II- -a spindle forms in each of the two new cells and the fibers attach to the chromosomes Metaphase II- -the chromosomes are pulled to the center of the cell and line up randomly at the equator Anaphase II- -the centromere of each chromosome splits the sister chromatids separate and move to opposite poles Telophase II nuclei re form  the spindles break down  the cytoplasm divides identical to mitosis (Meiosis II) What Meiosis produces four haploid sex cells from one original diploid cell each haploid cell contains one chromosome from each homologous pair haploid cells will become gametes transmitting genes to offspring

I hope this helps

What is another word for cytosol


Another word for cytosol  is cytoplasm.