the positive form of a #
a absolute is how far a number is from zero: absolute value 6 either way on number line. "6" is 6 away from zero, and "−6" is also 6 away from zero.
Second person narration
Third person limited narration
Third person omniscient narration
This is an example of first person narration. I, me, and we are commonly used in this sort of script.
Answer: A) First person narration
Explanation: This passage is narrated in third-person narration, as it does not use any personal pronouns, such as "I" or "me". The correct answer is A).
Third-person narration is a form of storytelling in which the narrator is referring to the characters in the story as "he", "she", "they", and so on.
In this type of narration, the narrator is not one of the characters and is instead speaking about the characters and events as if they are separate from them. This is an example of first person narration. I, me, and we are commonly used in this sort of script.
This allows the narrator to provide a more objective perspective and to provide more insight into the characters and events than would be possible if they were part of the story.
The dentist informed her, Floss your teeth.
The dentist informed her "that she should floss her teeth.
The dentist informed her, "Floss your teeth."
The dentist informed her that "she should floss her teeth.