Whole number is the number without fraction and integers. The nearest whole number to 0.003 is 0.
All positive integers from 0 to infinity are included in the group of numbers known as whole numbers. The number line has these numbers.
You need to look at the decimal component of a number in order to round it to the nearest whole number. The decimal portion of 0.003 in this instance is 0. The decimal portion is rounded down to the next whole number since it is less than 0.5. So, 0.003 is equal to 0, when rounded to the nearest full number.
Thus, the nearest whole number to 0.003 is 0.
Learn more about Whole Numbers, here:
a. An understanding of arch construction led to advancements in Roman architecture.
b. The rounded arch, first built by the Romans, was stronger than the flat arches built in Egypt and Greece.
c. The arch has always represented the strength and creativity of Roman engineering.
b. Shimmering
c. Ensemble
d. Explosive
The word Kebyar means Explosive. Hence, option d. is the correct answer
Kebyar is a Balinese word which refers to the process of ‘opening up’ or ‘bursting open like an explosive’. The term is used in both Balinese music and dance styles. It is characterised by sudden changes in dynamics and tempo.
Further explanation:
The term Kebyar implies ‘sudden, swift and loud’. Kebyar basically depicts a style of dance performance in which an individual uses his upper body to showcase very quick expressions and body movements. It is one of the very laborious Balinese dances.
The most famous form of Kebyar dance is Kebyar Duduk where the dance is performed in a crossed leg position. The dancer expresses the music through the flexibility of his hands and wrists, powerful facial expressions and the agility of the upper part of his body. The music seems to flow through the body of the performer.
Another form of Kebyar dance is the Kebyar Trompong where the dancer dances while playing a long instrument named the trompong.
A famous form of Balinese music is Gamelan Gong Kebyar. It is one of the most commonly used gamelan gong in Bali. The sudden changes in dynamics and tempo are expected to raise the spirits of the audience.
Learn More:
What creates the beating tones that are such a distinctive feature of Balinese gamelan?
(Celai): brainly.com/question/4869254
The most important type of gamelan in twentieth-century bali was the gamelan gong kebyar (Meerkat18): brainly.com/question/5639941
Kebyar, Kebyar Duduk, Balinese dances, trompong, Balinese dance performance
b. False
a. True
The adherents of behaviorism (science that considers behavior as an object of study of psychology) tend to be interested in the learning process as an agent of behavior change. These people reveal in several passages the confidence in the planning of the learning, based on a science of the human behavior, like possibility of evolution of the culture resulting in experience.
Not including a great cast and props, the important structural features are as followed.
1. The opening or introduction
2. The rising actions
3. The climax
4. The falling actions
5. The conclusion
These features are similar to that of a fiction novel and are vital to a thriller.