Allicin contains 59.9 g of carbon, 21.7 g of hydrogen, 24.4 g of oxygen, and sulfur. What is the mass percent of sulfur in a 162 g sample of the compound?"


Answer 1

Answer: The mass percentage of sulfur in the given compound is 34.56 %.


We are given:

Mass of carbon in compound = 59.9 g

Mass of oxygen in compound = 24.4 g

Mass of Hydrogen in compound = 21.7 g

Mass of the compound = 162 g

Mass of sulfur in compound = 162-(59.9+24.4+21.7)=56g

To calculate the mass percent of an element in a compound, we use the equation:

\text{Mass percent of sulfur}=\frac{\text{Mass of sulfur in compound}}{\text{Mass of the compound}}* 100

Putting values in above equation, we get:

\text{Mass percent of sulfur}=(56g)/(162g)* 100 = 34.56\%

Hence, the mass percentage of sulfur in the given compound is 34.56 %.

Answer 2
Answer: You can get the mass of sulfur on this compound by minus other element mass from total mass. So the mass is 162-59.9-21.7-24.4=56 g. The mass percent is 56/162*100%=34.57 %.

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It should be noted that controlling the rate of a chemical reaction is useful to the professions to improving production.

What is a chemical reaction?

It should be noted that a chemicalreaction simply means the process by which substances are converted to another substance.

In this case, controlling the rate of a chemical reaction is useful to the professions to improving production.

By finding out how fast products are made, one can develop methods to into such production.

Learn more about chemical reaction on:

Controlling the rate of chemical reactions is crucial to a chef because that is what gives food its flavor. Bread that rises too fast or slow (yeast cells converting glucose into carbon dioxide) will taste awful compared to correctly risen bread. Flambé undergoes a very fast, but brief, chemical reaction when the alcohol in which it is smothered is ignited, caramelizing the creme on top. A slow reaction would melt it all, while an even faster reaction could cause the dish to explode.

The process of splitting an atom into two lighter atoms is called A. nuclear disintegration.
B. nuclear separation.
C. nuclear fission.
D. nuclear fusion.


Answer is: C. nuclear fission.

Nuclear fission is a nuclear reaction or a radioactive decay where nucleus of atom split into smaller ligher nuclei.

Nuclear fission is exothermic reaction which release large amounts of energy (electromagnetic radiation or as kinetic energy, which heat reactors where fission reaction take place).

Answer: The process of splitting of an atom into two lighter atoms is called is called nuclear fission.


There are two types of nuclear decay reactions:

  • Nuclear fission reactions: They are defined as the reaction in which, the heavier atoms splits into two or more lighter atoms. The number of atoms formed in this reaction increases from the given atoms.
  • Nuclear fusion reactions: They are defined as the reaction in which, two or more lighter atoms combine to form a heavier atom. The number of atoms formed in this reaction decreases from the given atoms.

Hence, the process of splitting of an atom into two lighter atoms is called is called nuclear fission.