What are two examples of a just war


Answer 1
Answer: two examples of a just war are when a) poland were at war with tthe teutonic knights (also known as the knight sof the cross), and when b) the kingdom of spain wanted to take over the americas when they were first discovered. 
Answer 2
Answer: War in defence of one's country is almost always just, since it's not your decision to wage war, you are just acting in self defence. 
-Chinese - Japanses war in 1937, was from Chnese perspective just, as they were defending their territory.
-Polish - German war in 1939 was from Polish perspective just, as they were defending their territory.
In both cases aggressors had no valid/just claim for aggression, other than expansionistic policy,

As for "preventative wars":
In just war theory war is  just when:
-a valid reason to go to war exists (war may be cosidered lesser evil).
-war itself must be conducted in civilized manner.
Since i think every moral codex justifies killing someone, when that person is direct and immediate threat to life of somebody else, you may extend this rule on a larger scale.It's hard to find such examples in history, even if there war was waged with valid reason (genocides), it usually was not conducted in civilized manner (because its not efficient).

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List the 5 most important responsibilities a citizen has for taking part in public affairs.


The five most important responsibilities of a citizen are:
1. To vote 
2. To abide by laws 
3. To contribute to society positively 
4. To be kind to people around you 
5. To pass on the top four to your children and neighbors

Names of websites of presentation or visualization


On the internet we can find presentation and visualization sites such as power point, prezzi, powtoon, slideshare, canva, among others.

In recent years, virtuality has become popular in the work, educational and personal spheres, so the demand for digital services is much greater.

Today we can find different web sites and tools to create presentations and view files of different formats on the internet such as:

  • Power point (it is a program but it also has an online version)
  • Prezzi (To create online presentations)
  • Powtoon (To create presentations / video)
  • Slideshare (To create presentations)
  • Canva (To create visual assets such as infographics)

Learn more in: brainly.com/question/1631583


presentation= Slidebean.

                        Google Slides.





visualization=Storytelling with Data.

                       Information is Beautiful.

                       Flowing Data.

                       Visualising Data.

                       Junk Charts.

                        The Pudding.

                        The Atlas.

                         Graphic Detail.  

Write a dairy entry as though you are an english traveller who has visited Arabia for the first time and had just spent a couple of days in Makkah.note: this should be written in first person, present tense , dates and times (pre islamic Arabia).
due: Thu 21st Sep 2023 (pls do it before this date)



Date: [Current Date]

Time: [Current Time]

Dear Diary,

I find myself in the heart of Arabia, a land steeped in history, tradition, and an air of mystique. These past couple of days have been nothing short of extraordinary, as I embarked on a journey to the sacred city of Makkah, a place that holds unparalleled significance for Muslims around the world.

Day 1:

My arrival in Makkah was greeted with an overwhelming sense of anticipation and reverence. The city is like no other I have ever seen; it hums with an indescribable spiritual energy. As I approached the Great Mosque, the sight of the imposing Kaaba took my breath away. It stood as an ancient testament to faith, a symbol of unity, and a place where millions of pilgrims converge in devotion.

I spent much of the day wandering the narrow streets that wind through the city, lost in its rich history. The architecture here is a blend of old and new, with the ancient minarets and domes juxtaposed against modern skyscrapers. It's a living testament to the coexistence of tradition and progress.

Day 2:

Today, I joined the throngs of pilgrims in the Great Mosque, where I witnessed something truly remarkable. People from all corners of the globe, dressed in simple white attire, moved in unison, engaged in prayer and contemplation. The unity of purpose and the palpable devotion that filled the air was awe-inspiring.

I also took the opportunity to perform the Tawaf, the circumambulation of the Kaaba, alongside fellow pilgrims. The serenity I felt during this act of worship was profound. The city's rhythm seems to synchronize with the heartbeat of faith itself.

As the sun set over Makkah, I watched as the mosque's towering minarets illuminated the night sky. The city transformed into a tapestry of lights, and the call to prayer echoed from every corner, reminding us all of our shared spiritual journey.

In these sacred moments, I've come to understand the profound significance of Makkah in the lives of millions. It's not just a place; it's a spiritual home, a sanctuary of the soul.

Tomorrow, my journey in Arabia continues, but Makkah's indelible impression on my heart will stay with me always.

Yours in awe and reverence,

[Your Name]

1.) "you may never drive faster than what is safe for the current conditions" is the _____.



Speed limits is the correct answer.


Basic speed law tells about the speed which is safe for driving. It sets the maximum or minimum speed limit at which road vehicles can travel. They are meant to regulate public behaviours and regulate the unreasonable behaviour. They are mostly indicated on the traffic signs and reflect the maximum or minimum speed limits in kilometres per hour or miles per hour. Legislative or local government set the limits and are enforced by regional or national police. It is unlimited in some places such as autobahn in Germany.

“You may never driver faster than what is safe for the current conditions” is the - BASIC SPEED LAW.

advise a friend who responds to conflict by avoidance on why it is not healthy in sustaining positive relationships


When you avoid conflict, you arealso avoiding the chance to understand the reason behind why the conflict happened.It will not help you grow as a person but it will make you become a coward byescaping the reality. The more you avoid conflict, the more you are trying toalienate yourself from the person/people that surround you. It will give themthe impression that you do not care at all. So, even if how painful theconflict is/was or will be, you have to face it no matter what.

Conflict avoidance makes things more complicated and difficult. It would not solve the relationship but lead to unnecessary fights and commotion. So it is advised that one should solve the conflict instead of avoiding it.

Further Explanation:

Conflict avoidance is referred to as the “way of reacting” to a conflict by not reacting or facing it. An individual should not divert the topic or start a new topic. It is advised that an individual should not keep his feelings to himself and face the problems and issues outright. Conflict avoidance is not healthy for any relationship, because:

  1. It stops an individual from taking actions for himself when he can end the conflict.
  2. It makes a person an introverted person due to which an individual will take decisions out of emotions, not on the basis of facts.
  3. It only intensifies the conflict or problems. It doesn’t help in solving the problem and then it leads to further issues in the long run.
  4. It will increase “emotional stress” for an individual which will eventually bring differences in the relationship.

Learn More:

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Answer Details:

Grade: High School

Chapter: Conflict Avoidance

Subject: Social Studies


Conflict avoidance, relationship, conflict, emotional stress, emotions, feelings, unnecessary fights, commotion