Authors often vary the types of phrases and clauses that they use in order to add interest to their writing. True or False?


Answer 1
Answer: True.  It can be distracting to see the same words/clauses/expressions used over and over and it can pull the reader's attention away from the story.
Answer 2
Answer: the answer to your question is true

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Directions: Select the correct text in the passage.Read the statement below.The author believes that animals should be released from zoos.

Which sentence from the passage best supports this statement?
Home, Sweet Home?

A zoo can be a fun place to visit, but would it be a fun place to live? Many zoos spend a lot of money to create homes that are like the animals' natural environments. The zoos also make a strong effort to provide good health care for the animals. However, no matter how hard a zoo works to give animals a good home, it can never give them the freedom of roaming in the wild.
Animals such as elephants need wide-open spaces to move around. In the wild, elephants travel more than 20 miles per day on average. When an elephant lacks movement, it can develop health problems like stiff joints.
Another reason why animals do not belong in zoos is that they can develop a condition called zoochosis. Zoochosis is abnormal behavior caused by boredom and frustration. The symptoms of zoochosis include rocking back and forth, pacing, circling, and excessive chewing. The animals often have poor eating habits. Zookeepers give these animals drugs to keep them calm. In conclusion, a zoo is not the best place for animals to live. Animals belong in the wild where they can roam freely.


The  sentence from the passage which best supports the statement stated above is:

Animals belong in the wild where they can roam freely.

This sentence summarizes everything that has been discussed in the passage. It recapitulates the main idea that the author wants to convey.

Which of the following is NOT a part of the setting? 
A. Time
B. Location
C. Mood
D. Sequence


1.       The answer is d. sequence
because settings refer to the time and location where the event takes place.
Mood can also be added to make the settings more connecting to the audience while sequence refers to the series of event that falls under the plot structure.
Time gives the current time of the event of the story, location is where the story happened or took place and mood is the emotion or feelings of an actor or actress in the certain settings given.

This question refers to “Analyzing Information”: Use visuals, such as charts, maps, and graphs in your paper to present information that is technical or complicated. True


The right answer for the question that is being asked and shown above is that: "TRUE." This question refers to “Analyzing Information”: Use visuals, such as charts, maps, and graphs in your paper to present information that is technical or complicated. 

Who says the following and why?"[F]or this evening let us dine and take our pleasure,
no more shouting now. What a fine thing it is to listen to such a bard as we have here
the man sings like a god." *


Answer: Telemachus is the one who says: "[F]or this evening let us dine and take our pleasure,  no more shouting now. What a fine thing it is to listen to such a bard as we have here  the man sings like a god".

Explanation: In The Odyssey, Telemachus is Odysseus and Penelope's son. Moreover, he is the one who confronts her mother's suitors while Odysseus is far away from home. In that way, he pronounces those words ("[F]or this evening let us dine and take our pleasure,  no more shouting now. What a fine thing it is to listen to such a bard as we have here the man sings like a god") when he is speaking at the suitors, who appear at Odysseus's home to eat all of the food as well as to see Penelope and ask for her hand in marriage.

Telemachus is politely preparing to tell the guests they have to leave.

which of these is the best example of a situation that would lead to disillusionment A. You were sure you bombed your history test, but you got a really good grade. B. You go to the store to buy groceries, and on the way you're attacked by a dog. C. You watch a football game in which you expect your team to get creamed, and they do. D. You plan to ask someone out on a date but find out he or she is dating someone else.



The correct answer is D. "You plan to ask someone out on a date but find out he or she is dating someone else".


Disillusionment is a feeling of disappointment that comes when something does not meet the expectations that the person had beforehand. When a person is planning to ask someone else on a date, she or he expects that the other person is available and it would agree to go on a date. Finding that the other person is dating someone else would not meet the expectations, therefore it would led to a feeling of disappointment.

D. You plan to ask someone out on a date but find out he or she is dating someone else.

Disillusionment is feeling disappoinment after the realisation that something isnt as good as one thought it would be

What is the purpose of the thesis statement in a research paper?


Thesisstatement is the overall summary of the research paper. While all of thenecessary information and references materials are in the research paper, thethesis statement hold everything and summarize the gist into a simple sentence.It sort of like a ‘second title’ to and ‘pre-abstract’ the research paper. Writingthesis statements can be confusing and challenging as you are trying tosummarize five-page research into a short but meaningful sentence. Thus, it isvery important that one know the research well to avoid any misuse of wordswhen doing the thesis statement.