Which of the following is not a behavioral adaptation?   A. A squirrel buries acorns to dig up and eat later.   B. A honeybee does a dance to tell the other bees where to find flowers.   C. Grass stops growing during a drought and begins growing again when it rains.   D. The spines of a cactus protect it from animals


Answer 1
Answer: d) cactus having spines to protect it from animals

it's not a behavioral adaptation, because this is millions of years of evolution instead. a cactus doesn't first grow spineless, and then once (& if) animals astart attacking it, it suppendly pops out it's spines. they grow with spines, whether attacked or not. it was born this way :)

a squirrel figures out that buried nuts & acorns last longer, so they can be saved for later (they bahave this way)

a honeybee dances to let his freinds know where there are flowers - if he dodn't dance then the flowers would be for himself only, which in the big picture isn't really to his advantage, and if his colony memebers survive then he survives. he behaves this way.

grass stopping growth during a drought is also a behavioral adaptation, because it stops growth ONLY during a drought, one there's water again, it keeps gos back to growing normally. if it kept growing during the drought, it would tire itself out in a way, and die. it behaves this way.

Answer 2

D. The spines of a cactus protect it from animals

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