On which feature is science based?detailed research with reliable sources
static information that does not change
emotional appeals
test that cannot be repeated


Answer 1
Answer: Science is based on the feature of "detailed research with reliable sources" among many other things. It is crucial that the tests can be repeated with the same results. 
Answer 2

Correct answer: A). Detailed research with reliable sources

Science is a collection of systematic knowledge that is acquired through study and organizing gained knowledge in the form of testable interpretation and prognostication about the universe.

The science tries to relate the knowledge to the facts that follow objective laws and whose development need systematization and method.

Hence, the correct answer would be option A.

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What are the three types of counseling established by marine corps policy?


The three types of counselling sessions are as follows-

a) Directive counselling - This counselling is mainly focused towards the senior members of the societies . Here the problem is analysed and then the solution is formulated. It is applicable in both stressful and non stressful condition.

b) Non -directive- This counselling is mainly focused towards the junior members of the society. The juniors have the problem of their own and they want to have solutions as well of their own. This counselling helps them to get mature. It is conducted in a non stressful situation and is mainly focused to resolve attitude problem.

c) Collaborative Counselling:

Here both the counselor and the person whose counselling is being conducted gets benefited.

Final answer:

The three types of counseling established by Marine Corps policy are individual counseling, group counseling, and crisis intervention counseling.


The three types of counseling established by Marine Corps policy are:

  1. Individual Counseling: This type of counseling involves one-on-one sessions between a Marine and a counselor or mental health professional. It focuses on addressing specific issues or challenges that an individual may be facing.
  2. Group Counseling: Group counseling sessions involve multiple Marines who gather together to discuss common issues or share experiences. It provides a supportive environment where individuals can learn from each other's perspectives and offer mutual support.
  3. Crisis Intervention Counseling: This type of counseling is conducted in emergency situations to address immediate mental health concerns. It aims to stabilize the individual's condition and provide necessary support and resources.

Learn more about Types of counseling established by Marine Corps policy here:



A cell's digestive enzymes are enclosed in a membrane bound organelle. How can these molecules function of a plasma membrane



A cell digestive enzymes are enclosed in a membrane bound organelles known as Lysosomes. Lysosome contains about 50 different types of enzymes which helping in breakdown of different types of biological molecules such as Protein, carbohydrates, nucleic acid and lipids.

Cells transporting the material into lysosome where digestive enzymes are present. Now the molecules are digested by enzymes after that these digested molecules are going back to the cytosol for use by the cell.

Enzymes which are present in lysosome require acidic environment to function in proper manner.

The membrane bound organelle you refer to is the lysosome. The lysosome fuses with a vacuole where it digest the contents.

Why do naturalists suggest that we plant more trees?


Naturalists would suggest that it is important to plant more trees so that we can avoid the effects that come alongside deforestation such as soil erosion and high levels of ozone. It is important not to underestimate the positive effect that trees have on the environment, in fact one tree can actually release enough oxygen to provide for two people over the course of their lifetime.

Proteins are made from amino acids. An amino acid has three parts that are joined to a central carbon atom. Identify the three parts that create an amino acid.


The three parts are amino group, carboxyl group, and R group,

Amino acids are the basis of the constitution of proteins and other peptides, even if they are not the only constituents (see, for example, heme, prosthetic group of hemoglobin). This article aims to review the main characteristics common to all amino acids, as well as the particular properties of the main amino acids found in living molecules.

The molecule has two ionizable groups: one acid (COOH <-> COO - + H +), the other basic (NH 2 + H + <-> NH3 +). The carbon atom to which the amine-NH 2 group is attached and the carboxylic acid-COOH group is called alpha carbon convention.

The group R corresponds to a variable radical depending on the amino acid in question. It is therefore he who determines the nature of the amino acid since the rest is invariant.

The 3 parts that make up an amino acid include the following:

Side Chain - R group
Amino Group or Amine Group
Carboxylic Acid Group
Carboxyl Group.

The Tasmanian tiger, the largest known carnivorous marsupial, was wiped out of the wild due to constant hunting:


The statement is - True.

The Tasmanian tiger went extinct because of the extensive hunting by the new settlers. People were killing the Tasmanian tiger because they thought that it is the animal responsible for the killing of the livestock, but at the end it turned out that they made a huge mistake and that actually the feral dogs and the dingo were the ones responsible for that. The last Tasmanian tiger was a female and died in captivity under very bad conditions.

Even though people use the term Tasmanian tiger (because of the stripes) and Tasmanian wolf (because of the dog-like face), it is an animal that is not related with neither the cats nor the dogs, but instead it is a marsupial, the biggest marsupial carnivore in the recent history, and its real name is Thylacine.


Extinct species, endangered species, endangered species, threatened species, extinct species


Determine whether the following species are extinct, endangered, or threatened.

The Tasmanian tiger, the largest known carnivorous marsupial, was wiped out of the wild due to constant hunting:  Extinct Species

The Amur leopard is now gone from most of its original habitat due to human activity. Only twenty to thirty Amur leopards remain in the wild:  Endangered Species

Western Lowland gorilla populations have dropped sixty percent in the past twenty-five years due to poaching, habitat loss, and, mainly, disease. Their numbers are expected to keep dropping, and the species could soon disappear:  Endangered Species

The Eastern gemfish population has declined due to commercial fishing. New protection efforts seem to be helping the population slowly recover: Threatened Species  

The golden toad was forced from its breeding sites when erratic weather caused pools to dry up. No frogs have been found in over two decades: Extinct Species

These are all the answers for E2020!

State two ways living and nonliving things differ



Without any exception, consciousness, cellular organisation, and metabolism are three main characteristics of living beings which differentiate them from non-living things.

Consciousness: It is defined as the state in which living organism is aware of its surrounding and is capable of responding to it.

Cellular organization: Cells are functional and structural unit of the living organism. They collectively form tissues which then form organs. Different organs works collectively to form an organ system which then forms an organism. Organisms collectively form a population

Metabolism: The set of biochemical reaction taking place in a living organism in order to sustain a life is termed as metabolism.

Living things live and nonliving things do not live. Another way the differ is, most living things, are needed for us to live like food and air that come from a living thing. Unlike non living things are not needed for us to live.