Antony says that Brutus is the noblest Roman of them all becausea. of all the conspirators, Brutus alone acted for the good of Rome rather than for personal gain.
b. Brutus’s family is well born and wealthy.
c. Brutus and Antony were once close friends.
d. Antony sarcastically insults Brutus, whom he considers a traitor.


Answer 1
Answer: Its A. From what have learned from reading the tragedy last year. Surly its a.

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the best answer is opinion cause opinion does not really symbol anything cause it opinion

The answer is Opinion
i think it is an word because a word can't be a symbol

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A. The plot of a modern drama does not always follow a strict structure and might end without a clear resolution.


There's a very noticeable different in the way that traditional and modern drama are written. The first is the characters, since modern drama uses common people and traditional drama tends to use more distinct characters. Also, the structure of them go in opposite ways. While in the traditional drama we have a verse and prose format, making it strict, the modern drama is more flexible and loose.

The correct answer is option A.

In modern drama, the plot does not always follow a strict structure as they usually experiment with a non-traditional plot. For example, the play "The Sound and The Fury" by William Faulkner is told from the perspective of different characters. Each of them tells the same story but from their point of view.

In Modernism, the stories might also end without a clear resolution since Modernism is an umbrella term under which we can find techniques borrowed from Cubism, Dadaism, etc.  

The Sirens could be described as _____ creative and original.


No matter what you mean a story and creatures. They both could b describe like enchanting. The story is very deep and make reader to be excited by the plot. Also creatures are enchanting according to mythology. They were enchanting sailors and then killed them.


describe like enchanting.
