What is the volume of 0.200 mol of an ideal gas at 200 kPa and 400 K?A. 0.83 L
B. 3.33 L
C. 5.60 L
D. 20.8 L


Answer 1
Answer: The ideal gas under STP is 22.4 L/mol. While the gas has a rule of P1V1/T1=P2V2/T2. So the volume under 101 kPa and 273 K is 0.2*22.4=4.48 L. So under 200 kPa and 400 K is 3.33 L. So the answer is B.

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Answer and Explanation: Photon is the basic unit of light. The excited state refers to the state when any specified electron gained some energy from surrounding. In the ground state, the electron carries no energy and this refers to its lowest energy level.

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This can be solved by the equation: 

A = Aoe^(-ln2/t)T
where Ao is the initial amount of the substance ( 73.9-g sample of radon-222 ), t is the half-life time (3.8 days) and T is the time elapsed. Plugging in the values in the equation, the substance left is 1.11g. 

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The correct answer for the question that is being presented above is this one: "Electrovalency is characterized with the transferring of one or more electrons from one atom to another together with the formation of ions and as well as the number of positive and negative charges. 

The Lewis and Langmuir theory of electrovalency (and as well as Kossel's) is dealing with Ionic bonds. 

Lewis: electron-pair sharing, octet rule, Lewis Symbols or StructureLangmuir: introduced term "covalent" bond, and popularized Lewis's ideas

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Empirical formula : C4 H 5 N2O \n </p><p>Empirical \: molar \: mass \: of \: the \n compound \: obtain : \n 12×4+5+2×14+16=97 \n \n </p><p>Given \: the \: molar \: mass \: of \n Caffeine = 194.2 \n \n </p><p></p><p>n= 194.2 /97=2 \n </p><p></p><p>Thus \: Formula \: of \: \n Caffeine = (C 4H5 N 2 O)2

In every balanced chemical equation each side of the equation has the same number of


In a balanced chemical equation each side has the same number of ATOMS of the reactants.

For example(This is random)

2C + 2O = 2C2O

I still have 2 Carbon and 2 Oxygen atoms after the reaction.