To what extent was Bolívar a supporter of Enlightenment ideas?


Answer 1
Answer: Bolivar was a supporter of Enlightenment, as seen e.g. in his views of supporting personal freedom and democracy. In fact his mentor taught him about Enlightenment and suggested many works of authors relevant to Enlightenment to Simon Bolivar.
Answer 2

Answer: Sample Response: Bolívar is a supporter of Enlightenment ideas because he believes in the concept of equal rights. He personally took steps to free the enslaved persons his family owned, and to end slavery in Gran Colombia. In government, he supported the idea of separation of powers as expressed by Montesquieu. However, he also favored a strong executive branch and authoritarian leadership to ensure political stability for the nation. He also opposed the limited government supported by many Enlightenment thinkers. These ideas show that he was skeptical that American-style democracy could work.


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The person, usually the mother or a daughter, who spends a lot of time emailing family members, visiting friends and families, and organizing family gatherings during special events like birthdays and anniversaries is called a A) kin-keeper.


Kinkeepers are those family members that protect and promote family relationships, encourage family tradition, nurture family history and provide support for the whole family. Traditionally, this role falls to the mother or the oldest daughter, although it is not restricted to them.

The Dutch, with explorer Henry Hudson, primarily stayed along the Hudson River and Hudson Bay area and focused on trade


The statement above is True which is also the answer. The Dutch, Henry Hudson, primarily stayed along the Hudson River and Hudson Bay area and focused on the trade.

The correct answer is true.

It is true that the Dutch, with explorer Henry Hudson, primarily stayed along the Hudson River and Hudson Bay area and focused on trade.

Henry Hudson was hired in 1607 to find a short route to Asia, sailing across the Arctic Ocean. At the third intent, in 1609, now working under the Dutch East Indian Company, his ship sailed a big river after navigating the coast of the Atlantic Ocean but had to return because he did not find the Northeast passage. But his trips later helped the Dutch to colonize the territories close to the Hudson River.  

an economic system in which all means of production are owned by the people, private properties do not exist and all goods and services are shared equally



The economic system you described is called socialism1. Socialism is an economic system in which the means of production are owned by the people, private property does not exist, and all goods and services are shared equally2. Socialism is based on the principles of collective ownership, planned economy, and classless society2. Socialism is often contrasted with capitalism, which is an economic system in which the means of production are privately owned, profit is the main motive, and market forces determine production and distribution3. Socialism aims to eliminate the social and economic inequalities that result from capitalism, and to promote cooperation and solidarity among the people2. However, socialism also faces many challenges and criticisms, such as the lack of incentives, efficiency, and innovation, the loss of individual freedom and choice, and the possibility of authoritarianism and corruption4. There are different types and models of socialism, such as democratic socialism, market socialism, and communism2. Some examples of countries that have adopted or attempted socialism in various forms are China, Cuba, North Korea, Vietnam, and Venezuela5.


Edwin was a neglected child in his infancy. Now, at 31 years of age, he is highly cynical about the world and feels that no one can be relied upon. Whenever he is in a relationship with a woman, he has tremendous feelings of suspicion toward his partner, and these feelings eventually lead to the breakup of the relationship. According to erikson's psychosocial theory, this is a good indication that edwin did not successfully resolve the _____ stage of development, which in turn is causing him to experience _____ in his current developmental stage.


I believe the answer is: Trust versus mistrust; isolation

trust versus mistrust happens since early interraction between the child and the caregiver. not resolving trust versus mistrust makes edwin tend to hard to put his trust on people that has similar characteristics with the caregiver that let him down .

This would eventually lead to the feeling of isolation since every individuals crave a certain level of intimacy and yet Edwin cannot trust a person enough to be intimate, which trap him in a vicious cycle.

Federal Coordinating Structures include:_________ A. Emergency Support Functions B. National Guard C. Federal Law Enforcement D. FEMA



A. Emergency Support Functions


In the United States there are two Federal Coordinating Structures. The National Security Council and Emergency Support Functions. The National Security Council is the coordinating structure for national policy while the Emergency Support Functions is the coordinating structures for building, sustaining, and delivering emergency functions. There are 15 Emergency Support Functions which includes; communications, transportation, firefighting among others.

Which of the following represented loyalty to church before loyalty to the king? a. The National Covenant c. The Protectorate b. Long Parliament d. The Instrument of Government


The correct answer is letter a. The National Covenant. The National Covenant represented loyalty to church before loyalty to the king. It is a solemn agreement inaugurated by Scottish churchmen. It was held on the 28th of February, 1638 in the Greyfriars' churchyard, Edinburgh.