Which word in the sentence is the predicate adjective? Before the storm, the farm horses seemed nervous. A. nervous B. Before C. seemed D. farm


Answer 1
Answer: I think it's A.nervous--because "how they seemed?"-->nervous.
Answer 2
Answer: The predicate is "before the storm". So the predicate adjetive must be B.Before

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The following question is based on your reading of A Midsummer Night’s Dream by William Shakespeare. Helena and Hermia’s names are very similar. Some argue that Shakespeare made them very interchangeable characters. So far in the play, do you think this is true? Why or why not?



Explanation:Although Helena and Hermia's names are similar yet they could never be interchanged with each other as Shakespeare has portrayed both of them with very contrasting features and in a very different light not mere in their appearances but also their conduct. They both are friends, eager to endanger their honor for their love but despite these similarities, they are poles apart in their approaches to get their true love.  Hermia is strong-willed and determined enough to leave anything for her love while Helena seems a bit suspicious of her acts as she is not sure of Demetrius' love for her. Hermia is composed and valorous on the other hand Helena seems to be hesitant and unsure of her actions which leads to her failure in love. So, it could be concluded as that they both seem interchangeable in the beginning but towards the end, they are standing on different surfaces.

no i dont think that its true, because they are two very characters. and i have read the whole play and i would say they are nowhere interchangeable characters.

16. Which of these words has the same denotative meaning as, but a different connotative meaning than, the word copious.meager


The correct answer is C. Lavish


The meaning or sense of words can be classified into denotative and connotative meaning. The denotative meaning refers to the literal meaning or the meaning in the dictionary that is the meaning agreed by the speakers of a language, this meaning is also classified as direct or explicit meaning. On the other hand, the connotative meaning or secondary meaning refers to the associations people do in relation to some word, which mainly depends on the contexts and personal experience of people and therefore, this meaning differs from the denotative meaning as it is not shared by all the speaker of a language but varies according to the cultural or emotional association of the speaker.

Considering this, in the case of the words "copious" and "lavish", the denotative meaning or the meaning in the dictionary for both of this words is something that is abundant or large in number or quantity, which means both words have the same denotative meaning. However, in the case of the connotative meaning or the associations people do, the word "copious" is related to positive abundance, but in the case of the word "lavish" this word is mainly related to something being extravagant or someone spending money in an abundant way, this means the connotative meaning or the associations with the words are different. Thus, the word that has the same denotative but a different connotative meaning than the word copious is lavish.

Since copious means the same as abundant or lavish, I would go with one of these two words, however, I am not sure which one
It is definitely not meager and sparse, because these words are quite the opposite. 

What types of information should you include in your notes? What should you exclude?


When making the types of information that we should include are facts and opinions and also include the relevant matter.

What is note-making ?

Note-making is a process to form authentic and appropriate notes of the work at hand. Thus one needs to mention the relevant information and also try to put the information as the purpose of the note making is to help the people meet their goals, for example, the notes should contain the information regarding the events, dates and related annotations. Unnecessary information should be not kept. Other topics include the ideas and anecdotes etc.

Find out more information about the notes.


You must include in your notes everything that is relevant to what is the purpose of your note and everything that helps that goal to be achieved. For example, if you are doing scientific research notes, you should put information such as dates of events related to your annotation, authors with works related to your research, and other information.

On the other hand, you should exclude superfluous, unnecessary information that distracts or is about different subjects.

Look at the questions below and decide which is declarative?


Assuming that this is referring to the same list of options that was posted before with this question, the best option is the sentence that has the boy leave the yard. 

Identify the subordinate clause.The book that I am reading concerns world population problems.
the book
the book that I am reading
book that I am reading
that I am reading
I am reading
concerns world population
this sentence contains no dependent clause


The correct answer is: that I am reading

A subordinate clause ( a dependent clause ) begins with a subordinate conjunction (as, if, than, that, where, until etc) or a relative pronoun (that, who, whom etc.) and will have a subject and a verb. This clause can not stand alone as a sentence because it does not provide a complete thought.

that I am reading is a subordinate clause because it contains a relative pronoun that introduces it ( that ), a subject ( I ) and a verb ( am reading ). It can not stand on its own because it does not have any meaning.

The subordinate clause is that I am reading. :) I hope that helps you out!