At the time, actors were seen as people with bad morals. Performances supposedly drew bad crowds and sent immoral messages.
The cookies smelled so good while they baked, I couldn't wait for them to finally be done.
The cookies smelled so good while they baked; I couldn't wait for them finally to done.
The cookies smelled so good while they baked, I couldn't wait for them to be done finally.
"I would put The cookies smelled so good while they baked, I couldn't wait for them to finally be done."
This is the only sentence that is grammatically correct. The words have been placed in such a way as to maintain the coherence and cohesion of the text and this leaves the sentence coherent enough for the reader to understand what is happening in the text.
Parallel structure or parallelism means repeating the grammatical form within the sentence. Repetitive grammatical elements in the sentence are similar or identical in structure, sound, meter or meaning. This technique contributes to the balance and effectiveness of written work, affecting readability and makes texts easier to process.
For that purpose, John Steinbeck used parallelism to emphasize the injustice that occurred to migrants during the Great Depression. He wanted readers to experience the lives of migrants. In order to achieve this, he created tones of passion, sorrow, anger and despair through his writing. In order to develop his tones and present it to readers in a more acceptable and understandable way, he used paralelism.
Answer:does the paragraph support the topic sentence? That is, do all of the following sentence help develop the idea of the topic sentence?
b. A bamboo chair at a yard sale.
c. His coat is on the chair.
d. Always behind schedule.