What happens in a chemical reaction?


Answer 1
Answer: When two or more molecules interact and the molecules change. Bonds between atoms are broken down and created to form new molecules.
Answer 2
Answer:  As the chemical bonds are broken, the positions of electrons change, resulting in a product with properties that are different from the properties of the reactants. Various temperatures and catalysts are needed for different chemical reactions to occur. During a chemical reaction, new substances are produced as existing bonds are broken, atoms are rearranged, and new bonds are formed.

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What is your speed if you travel 7564 km in 23 hours? Convert this to miles per hour.



[See Below]


Your average speed would be 204.35 mph.

i got appx. 204.3478 miles per hour because you convert 7564km/23hours to 4700miles/23hours, then divide 4700 and 23 by 23 to end up with 204.3478miles/1hour

Psychologists study animals because


Psychologists study animals to gain insights into behavior, cognition, and emotion, as well as to explore evolutionary continuity, address ethical concerns, understand underlying mechanisms, conduct comparative research, and advance translational research.

Psychologists study animals because they can provide valuable insights into various aspects of behavior, cognition, and emotion that are relevant to understanding human psychology. Here are some reasons why psychologists study animals:

Evolutionary continuity: Animals, particularly non-human primates, share a common evolutionary history with humans. Studying animals can help researchers understand the evolutionary origins of certain behaviors, cognitive processes, and emotions that are also present in humans. By examining similarities and differences across species, psychologists can gain insights into the evolutionary roots of human behavior.

Ethical considerations: Some research questions cannot be addressed directly with human participants due to ethical concerns. In such cases, animals can be used as models to explore certain psychological phenomena. This allows researchers to conduct controlled experiments and manipulate variables in ways that would be unethical or impractical with human subjects. Animal studies can provide important preliminary data that inform further research involving humans.

Mechanistic understanding: Animals provide an opportunity to investigate the underlying mechanisms of behavior and cognition. By studying the neural, genetic, and physiological processes in animals, psychologists can gain insights into the biological basis of certain behaviors and cognitive functions. This knowledge can then be applied to understanding similar processes in humans.

Comparative psychology: Comparing the behavior and cognitive abilities of different animal species can help psychologists identify shared principles, as well as unique adaptations and variations. Comparative studies allow researchers to examine how different animals solve problems, communicate, learn, and adapt to their environments. This broader perspective enhances our understanding of the diversity and flexibility of psychological processes.

Translational research: Animals serve as important models for studying certain psychological disorders and developing potential treatments. By creating animal models of mental illnesses, psychologists can investigate the underlying mechanisms, test hypotheses, and evaluate the effectiveness of interventions. These findings can then be applied to develop treatments and therapies for humans.

Therefore, It is important to note that ethical considerations and guidelines govern the use of animals in research. Researchers must ensure the welfare of the animals and adhere to strict regulations to minimize any potential harm or suffering.

To learn more about Psychologists  click:



Psychologists study animals because they want to understand how different species think and behave, animal psychology is often simpler and easier to understand than human physiology, and it is more permissible to conduct certain types of research with animals than with humans

Electrons and protons are attracted to each other because of which fundamental force?a. nuclear
b. gravitational
c. electromagnetic
d. attraction-repulsion


Electrons and protons are attracted to each other because
they have static charges with opposite signs.  The force is
the electrostatic force. 

There's no such thing as "electromagnetic" force.
the answer is c. change is a property of one of the fundamentals of nature

The diffuser in a jet engine is designed to decrease the kinetic energy of the air entering the engine compressor without any work or heat interactions. Calculate the velocity at the exit of a diffuser when air at 100 kPa and 30°C enters it with a velocity of 357 m/s and the exit state is 200 kPa and 90°C. The specific heat of air at the average temperature of 60°C = 333 K is cp = 1.007 kJ/kg·K.



81.29 m/s



60°C = 333 K is cp = 1.007 kJ/kg·K.

at air inlet:

Pressure P_(1)= 100 kPa

Temperature T_(1)= 30°C

Velocity V_(1)= 357 m/s

at air outlet:

Pressure P_(2)= 200kPa

Temperature T_(2) = 90°C

We can define the energy balance as:

E _(in) - E_(out)=  ΔE_(system) = 0

therefore,      E _(in)  =   E_(out)

mh_(1) + m(V_(1)^(2) )/(2) =mh_(2) + (V_(2)^(2) )/(2)  (taking m common and cancelling it)

4h_(1) + (V_(1)^(2) )/(2) =  h_(2)  +  (V_(2)^(2) )/(2)

The velocity at the exit of a diffuser:

V_(2) = [ V_(1)^(2) + 2 c_p{} (T_(1) - T_(2)) ]^(0.5)

V_(2)= [ 357^(2) +  2  x   1000  x  1.007  x  (30-90) ]^(0.5)

V_(2)= 81.29 m/s

therefore, the velocity at the exit of a diffuser is 81.29 m/s


Exit velocity = 498.3m/s


The energy balance for the system is given by:

Ein - Eout = ◇Esystem

Ein = Eout


m' (h1 + V1^2/2) = m' (h2 + V2^2/2)

h1 + V1^2/2 = h2 + V2^2/2

The exit velocity will be:

V2 = [V1^2 + 2(h1 - h2)^0.5 = [V1^2 + 2(cp(T1 - T2)]^0.5

But cp = 1.007kJ/kg

V2 = [(357)^2 + 2(1.007)(90-30)(1000m^2/s^2)]^0.5

V2 = [127449 + 120840]^0.5

V2 = [248289]^0.5

V2 = 498.3m/s

.In real life, a given system can approach equilibrium from different starting points but will still have the same equilibrium constant. How is this possible? Explain your answer in complete sentences.


It does not matter where the system starts but it will reach to an equilibrium state when the equilibrium ratio is reached.

hope it helps

Suppose a yo-yo has a center shaft that has a 0.230 cm radius and that its string is being pulled.(a) If the string is stationary and the yo-yo accelerates away from it at a rate of 1.80 m/s2, what is the angular acceleration of the yo-yo in rad/s2? rad/s2.
(b) What is the angular velocity in rad/s after 0.750 s if it starts from rest? rad/s.
(c) The outside radius of the yo-yo is 3.10 cm.What is the tangential acceleration in m/s2 of a point on its edge? m/s2



Part a)

\alpha = 782.6 rad/s^2

Part B)

\omega = 587 rad/s

Part c)

a_t = 24.3 m/s^2


Part a)

As we know that

a = R \alpha

so we will have

a = 1.80 m/s^2

R = 0.230 cm

\alpha = (a)/(R)

\alpha = (1.80)/(0.230 * 10^(-2))

\alpha = 782.6 rad/s^2

Part B)

Angular speed of the yo-yo

\omega = \alpha t

so we have

\omega = 782.6 * 0.750

\omega = 587 rad/s

Part c)

Tangential acceleration is given as

a_t = R \alpha

a_t = (3.10 * 10^(-2))(782.6)

a_t = 24.3 m/s^2