What was the novel genre that led in part to the naturalistic novel? historical political realism stream-of-consciousness sociological


Answer 1
Answer: The best option from the list in terms of a novel genre that led in part to the naturalistic novel would be "realism" since this was the first time focus was put on reality. 
Answer 2


The correct answer is: Realism.


Naturalism and Realism hold a lot of similarities, and in fact, many critics believe that the first one emerged from the second. In essence, what both Realism and Naturalism sought to do, as literary movement, was to break away from the trends of Romaticism, the idealization of humans, the supernatural, nature and all that pertained to life and the relationship between man and nature. Realists and Naturalists began proposing a more realistic, scientifically verifiable, exact view of humans, nature and the divine, opposing what had until then been the ideals imposed by Romantics. The one major difference between Realism and Naturalism is that Naturalism proposed more a view of how nature, and the environment, played a part, or did not, in human life and nature, Realism wanted to simply present life exactly as it is, without the added frills of Romanticism.

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b was wrong so .... i guess a


It seems to me that the answer is a, since that is the only sensible option.

The dream of space travel became a reality2. How does the word reality function in the sentence?

A. as a predicate adjective
B. as an object complement
C.as an indirect object
D. as a predicate nomintive


The word reality functions as D. a predicate nominative in the sentence.
A predicate nominative is the first noun found after a linking verb (which connects two parts of a sentence). In this case, the linking verb is became, and the first (and the only) noun after that verb is reality, thus making it a predicate nominative rather than a predicate adjective (which would obviously require an adjective). 

NovaNet: D. a predicate nominative

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In the concluding paragraph of an informative essay you should restate the thesis statement in a new way.


An essay is comprised of three main parts: introduction, body or development, and conclusion. As we know, the introduction's purpose is to lay out what the essay is about, as if to give the reader an idea of what he/she is about to read. The body of the essay is where the ideas will be fully developed, and evidence will be presented to support them.

The conclusion is the last paragraph of the essay. It's supposed to be a short one and not present any new ideas - if it did, it would only be a part of the development. The conclusion's purpose is to wrap the essay up by restating what was first said at the beginning. It's as if the author's saying, "I claimed A. I showed you B, C, and D to prove it. Therefore, I claim A again because A is right."

Restate the thesis statement in a new way.

Which line in sonnet 8 from astrophil and stella indicates the speaker is hoplessly in love


"To my close heart; where, while some fibrands he did lay,
He burnt unwares his wings, and cannot fly away"
Sidney describes his love for Stella as a result of Cupid's behaviour. He has no control over Cupid because love is now literally trapped in his heart. 


He burnt un’wares his wings, and cannot fly away.


100% correct

I am a man who, from his youth upwards In the bolded section, what is the benefit of using "from his youth upward" rather than "from an early age" or "always"?


It seems that you have missed some necessary details for us to answer this so I had to look for it. Anyway, here is the answer. The given quotation above is by Herman Melville from "Bartleby the Scrivener". The benefit of using "from his youth upward" rather than "from an early age" or "always?" is that, it suggests the narrator has a strong sense of pride. Hope this helps.

it suggests of a man that has grown up overtime. I don't know what you're asking me to answer, but if I had to guess, it be more on what the quoted words mean in the passage

What are the MLA guidelines for formatting block quotes? A. Block quotes should be indented 10 spaces, or 1 inch. B. Block quotes should be single spaced. C. Block quotes should be in bold font. D. Block quotes should be at least ten lines long.


A. Block quotes should be indented 10 spaces, or 1 inch.
I believe that A is the correct answer.