Which sentence is punctuated correctly? A. She is wearing a cardigan a sweater with buttons down the front. B. The final painting, a huge landscape, impressed me most of all. C. They live in Trenton, the capital, of New Jersey. D. Gwendolyn the woman on the stage wearing red, is the leading candidate.


Answer 1
Answer: The correct answer is B.
In A, u need a comma after cardigan.
In C, u need to take out the comma after capital
In D, u need a comma after Gwendolyn.
:D Hoped this helped:)

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In Book 9 of the Odyssey, Ulysses saves himself and his men by blinding Polyphemus. Which lines reflect the Cyclops's disappointment at being defeated by guile and not by strength?



"Long since he menaced, such was Fate's command;

And named Ulysses as the destined hand.

I deem'd some godlike giant to behold,

Or lofty hero, haughty, brave, and bold;

Not this weak pigmy wretch, of mean design,

Who, not by strength subdued me, but by wine."

In these lines, the Cyclops states that Fate had long commanded Ulysses to be the hand destined to defeat him. However, he was expecting this hero to be some enormous giant, or a brave and bold hero. Instead, he is disappointed to learn that Ulysses is a tiny being who defeated him not through strength, but by wit.

Final answer:

Polyphemus's disappointment at being defeated by guile and not by strength is shown in lines 455-458 of Book 9 of the Odyssey. The Cyclops was expecting a physical challenge, but was defeated through cunning instead.


In Book 9 of the Odyssey, the lines that reflect Polyphemus's disappointment at being defeated by guile and not by strength are lines 455-458:

No weakling's blow, he boasted of at feasting, Could have performed this feat with a willow wand. He lied, this crafty traveler, his blinding was no accident. But now Zeus and the other gods have paid me back.

These lines exhibit the Cyclops's frustration at being overcome not by a physical feat, but by the cunning and tricks of Odysseus. Polyphemus was confident that only a strong, boastful hero could defeat him, but he was outsmarted instead.

Learn more about Odyssey Book 9 here:



What is the primary theme of Ha Jin’s “A Decade”?


Hi there!

The primary theme of Ha Jin’s “A decade” would be the need to revisit one’s past to determine a path for the future.

“A Decade” is one of the twelve brief stories of Ha Jin’s Under the Red Flag, which takes place during the Cultural Revolution of China. Between 1966 and 1976, young people - some even teenagers - from China rose up to purge ancient culture, old habits, old ideas and old ways to determine a new path.

Hope this helps!

The primary theme developed by Ha Jin in his story called “A Decade”, which is one of twelve short stories included on the collection named Under The Red Flag, was  the war fought among China's youth and the  Red Guards during China's Cultural Revolution occurred between 1966 and 1976.

In such period of time,  China's youth rose together against the four 'Olds old culture, old habits, old ideas, and old customs while the Red Guards empowered by Mao terrorize them in order to purge from them all Revolutionary ideas.

A poem that tells a story is called aa. ballad.
b. stanza.
c. chorale.
d. limerick.


limerick is a rhyme scheme,

stanza is the structure or paragraphs,

chorale is a melody and

a ballad is a musical/ dancing poem......

so I think it is stanza, as it is put into paragraphs to show different sections of the poem :)

stanze i hope it help's

Read the summary of the conclusion of “The World on Turtle’s Back.”[1] When the twins grew up, they continued to fight. [2] One day they decided to hold a contest to determine who was stronger. [3] Though they tried to defeat each other in many different ways, neither one could win. [4] On the last day, they fought with weapons. [5] After the right-handed twin chose a deer antler as a weapon, he overpowered his brother, and he threw him off the edge of the Earth. [6] Today, the right-handed twin lives in the Sky-World, and the left-handed twin lives in the dark underworld. [7] They rule the earthly world of men together.Which sentence is a compound-complex sentence?


Answer: 5.

After the right-handed twin chose a deer antler as a weapon, he overpowered his brother, and he threw him off the edge of the Earth.

A compound-complex sentence calls for a Dependent Clause (a clause that has a subject and verb but an introductory word - in this case "After"). Add to that it must also contain a conjunction joining two Independent Clauses (stands alone as a sentence containing a subject and verb).

Answer:Sentence 5

Explanation: got it right on edge

In Ernest Hemingway’s “In Another Country,” what kind of sentence length and structure does Hemingway use? His sentences are often complex. His sentences are short yet flowing. His sentences are long and flowing. His sentences are short and direct.


"His sentences are short and direct" is the best option from the list. In fact this was Hemingway's style for almost all of his writings. He was not a big fan of literary flourish. 

Answer: His sentences are short and direct.

In this short story, Hemingway narrates the story of a soldier fighting in World War I. Hemingway's writing style is very particular. He uses short and direct sentences written in everyday language. This is one of the most famous characteristics of Hemingway, and a trait that is present in most of his writings.

When using a direct quotation, how do you signify that the words are not yours?


With quotation marks (ex. "The only thing we have to fear, is fear itself!")
would use these '______' sorry idk what they are called but thats what they look like