The main reason conflict has broken out in northern ireland is because of its unification issues.
The Northern Ireland conflict (also known as The Troubles) was an inter-ethnic armed conflict in Northern Ireland, which caused great loss of human lives during the second half of the twentieth century. It faced, on the one hand, the unionists of Northern Ireland (of Protestant religion, majority in the region), supporters of preserving ties with the United Kingdom, and on the other hand the Irish Republicans, mostly Catholic and demographically minorities, supporters of independence or the integration of the province into the Republic of Ireland, a country of Catholic religion. Both sides resorted to weapons, and the province sank into a spiral of violence that lasted from October 8, 1968 until the signing of the Good Friday Agreement, on April 10, 1998, which laid the foundations for a new government, in which Catholics and Protestants share power. However, violence continued after this date and still continues occasionally on a small scale.
Unification issues. (Gradpoint)
2)pull factor
3)draw factor
4)real factor
2 he really did believe there was only one god
3 he thought there were too many gods to keep track of
4 he feared the wealth and power of the priests