The correct answer is "2".
The Mongol Empire was the largest land empire in history. It originates in present-day Mongolia. At its peak, it stretched from Eastern Europe to the Sea of Japan.
The Mongols were very supportive of trade. They engaged in the maintenance of trade routes that linked lands in the Mediterranean basin to China. This route would become to be known as "The Silk Road". This famous route would be later used by Marco Polo.
fossil casts form when a mold fills with material, such as sediments or soluble minerals, and creates a replica of the original organism. A cast can be compared to putting Jell-o into a mold and letting it set; the removed form is a cast of the mold.
cast: A mold filled with sediment and hardened to create a replica of the original fossil
Congress is debating whether to allow the central government to impose taxes, my stand on this topic is written below in details.
Give me freedom or give me death” were the memorable speeches delivered by Patrick Henry in the conflict for freedom. He directed the first continental congress in 1774 and commenced the method of American political revolution. This revolution eventually finished in the rebelling of Britain's American settlements and the founding of what would enhance the United States of America. The Second Continental Congress achieved freedom through the organization, revolution, and eventually claiming freedom. This was the commencement of the American Revolution.
The Poor Clares were nuns of the Second Order of Saint Francis, founded by Clare of Assisi in 1212.
The promises of the poor clares were obedience, poverty, chastity, and, specifically for this order, privacy. The mendicant sisters devoted their lives to prayer, songs of praise and contemplation of Scripture; Like the brides of Christ, they have promised to love God above all else. For them, the silence was very important so that they could hear the voice of God, so it is surprising that they were accomplished musicians.
Isabella d'Este
Teresa of Avila
Thomas More
John Calvin
The World Bank is an institution that was created to support the reconstruction of countries after World War II. The scope of the World Bank has been reshaping the reality of the postwar period, but its role of provider of economic development persists. Currently 150 countries make up the World Bank and each contributes in a way. Thus, the Bank has a fund to lend money to nations to promote development.
Most African countries do not have the infrastructure and technology to produce manufactures that can compete in the international market. However, these countries have the natural resources and climatic conditions to develop export agriculture. The World Bank acts in this direction and sees this potential as a tool to improve the economies and social development of these countries.