Read the passage: "We shall send your poem to the king, and we hope that you will write many more. You have a great gift…a very great gift, and it must be used."

Which historical figure is this passage about?

Paul Revere

Sybil Ludington


Phillis Wheatley


Answer 1
Answer: D. Phillis Wheatley Hope it helps!!!! :)

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The Civil War in the 1800s were caused by the drift of North and South of the US. The North had many advantages in the awr because most cities were centers of wealth and manufacturing are located in the area. Aside from this, a lot of cities had many skilled workers compared to the south where people are mostly farmers.

The North side also had three-fourths of the nation’s wealth and they were well able to produce a bigger army that consisted mostly of black soldiers who used better equipment supplies to fight the war.

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The beliefs of Andrew Jackson regarding voting was that all adult white males should have the right to vote. Andrew Jackson was the 8th President of the United states and he remained in office from 4th of March in the year 1829 to 4th of March in the year 1837. He was born on 15th of March in the year 1767 and died on 8th of June in the year 1845. 

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Culture, History, Language, Territory, Nationality, Religion E.t.c

Where are the most significant cities in historical islam


The most significant cities are Medina, Mecca and Jerusalem. Mecca is home to the Ka'Bah, and only Muslims are allowed to enter. Medina was the final residence of the prophet Muhammed. Jerusalem is also a holy city because of its impact on some Islamic prophets throughout history.

Final answer:

The most significant cities in the history of Islam are Mecca, the birthplace of Prophet Muhammad; Medina, the city that Muhammad migrated to from Mecca and the site of his tomb; and Baghdad, the capital of the Islamic world during the Abbasid Caliphate and a center of learning and culture.


The most significant cities in the history of Islam includeMecca, Medina, and Baghdad.

Mecca is the birthplace of Prophet Muhammad and the location of the Kaaba, the holiest shrine in Islam. Every Muslim is required, if possible, to make a pilgrimage to Mecca at least once in their lifetime.

Medina is where Prophet Muhammad migrated to from Mecca, and it's the site of his tomb. The Prophet's Mosque in Medina is one of the largest mosques in the world.

During the Abbasid Caliphate, Baghdad was the capital of the Islamic world, and it was a centre of learning and culture. The renowned House of Wisdom in Baghdad was an intellectual center where scholars from various cultures and religions came to study and translate texts.

Learn more about Significant Islamic cities here:


Charles X sparked a revolt in France by


Charles X sparked a revolt in France by trying to increase the power of the monarchy. Obviously, Charles was a French king who wanted ultimate control over his country, and thus he wanted to monarchy to grow even stronger than it was at the time. Naturally, his people didn't like the changes he wanted to implement and so they rebelled.Hope this helps. Let me know if you need additional help!

Charles X sparked a revolt in France by trying to increase the power of monarchy.

Further Explanation:-

French revolution is also known as July revolution and it marked a shift of constitutional monarchy. This revolution marked shift of one constitutional monarchy to another. This revolution started a constitutional monarchy as Charles X and his son let off their rights which they had under the throne and left for Great Britain. Although, before his departure, Charles X had made indications that his grandson will take over this throne but the politicians of that era, Composed a new provisional government and gave throne to his distant cousin named as Louis Philippe who belonged to house of Orleans and this throne was given to him because he was the one who agreed be the ruler under Constitutional monarch. Charles X was supported by Ultra-Royalists but he was extremely unpopular and reactionary monarch and his aspirations were on much bigger scale than his diseased brother. He never had any desire to rule as a Constitutional monarch and always made attempts to strength his own authority and weaken the lower house.  

Learn more:

1. Which of these is an expressed power of congress?

2. Which best describes how the electoral college affects the executive branch?

3. How did the battle of Okinawa affect president Truman’s decision to use the atomic bomb against Japan?

Answer Details:

Grade – High School

Subject – History

Chapter – Charles X

Keywords –Charles X, Revolt, Monarch, Constitutional, Politicians, Authority, Weaken, Unpopular, Orleans, Ruler, Provisional, Louis Philippe

In the study of history, what is one major difference between a theme and a period



One major difference between a theme and a period is how time affects both concepts.


When investigating, historians look for common ideas that kept on appearing in the past, this repeated patterns or subjects are called themes. For example, common themes in history are archeology, human rights, philosophy and politics. Themes can be found throughout different times and sometimes overlap different eras, On the other hand, a period is a distinctive and specific timeline in which one or more events occur, but a period has a specific beginning and a specific end, unlike a theme that can be found in throughout different periods.

a theme is a history surrounding it or a repeating moment, a period is a time that the themes were set in. hope this helps P