Which character best symbolizes a mockingbird? A. Mayella Ewell B. Tom Robinson C. Atticus D. Calpurnia


Answer 1
Answer: B.Tom Robinson


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When author Sarah Orne Jewett writes that Sylvia lives "heart to heart" with nature, she means that the young girl A. operates on instinct.
B. is most alive in the tranquility of twilight.
C. mistrusts her "dream of love."
D. is, literally, a woodland creature.


The author means that Sylvia operates on instinct by following her heart. Her heart operates on instinct means that she goes with her gut. She is one with nature.

Operates on instinct

Think about how animals operate. When a person is "heart to heart" with nature, she is apart of nature acting purely based off emotions and instinct. There is no deep though process or over analyzing of situations. It is purely reactionary and based off instinct. Also, she is definitely not a woodland creature. Mistrusts her dream of love is being used just to trick you with the word love. Tranquility of twilight could be when she feels most connected with nature but it doesn't actually answer the question.

In The Hobbit by J. R. R. Tolkien, Bilbo is initially described as a weaker character, prone to fits of fainting at the slightest hint of danger. But as the story progresses, Bilbo demonstrates profound inner strength and acts with great courage in the face of challenges. Based on this synopsis, what theme is likely used to develop Bilbo's character in this story?death and rebirth
love and duty


Based on this synopsis, heroism is the likely theme used to develop Bilbo's character in The Hobbit. 

heroism it the answer bro

Based on your knowledge of prefixes, what does en- mean?Cause to

In front




Cause to is correct.


The answer is A "cause to"


Pls help meeeeeeeeeeeeee





Hercules is a mythical character in Greek mythology. He is seen as the divine god, the son of Zeus -the god of thunder and King of the gods on Mount Olympus. Hercules was half man, half god and was the embodiment of masculinity, greatest of all Greek heroes, he also defeated Hector, the bravest and strongest warrior in the battle of Troy.

Hercules was a person of great physical strength and incredible sexual prowess with both men and women. He was also blessed with wisdom as he was not always a brute but employed his intellect when he found himself in situations his great strength couldn't save him.

Hercule was hated by the goddess Hera -wife of Zeus because Zeus made love to a mortal woman Alcmene by disgusting himself as her husband. Hera's hatred of Heracles was so much that she plotted to kill him at birth with the help of Ilithiya, goddess of childbirth but her plan failed.

Heracles was named Alcides by his earth parents but he later became known as Hercules. He was renamed to try and pacify Hera after she sent two giant snakes to kill Hercules and his twin brother when they were eight months old.

Hera eventually succeeded in making Heracles mad much later and he ended up killing his children.

In his quest to expatiate the murders, he was sent to perform twelve tasks by his archenemy Eurystheus. Even though Hercules performed all ten tasks, Eurystheus wouldn't accept two of the tasks and asked him to accomplish another two, which Hercules did with ease. He was expunged of his crimes and granted immortality.

Which poetic device in the poem conveys the speaker’s depression?


As already stated, yes it would be alienation and lonliness. 
Alienation and loneliness?

MULTIPLE CHOICE PLEASE HELP While __________ often wrote lyric poetry, __________ experimented with a range of poetic forms, including narrative, free verse, and sonnet. a. Brooks . . . wingspaninson b. Brooks . . . Brooks c. wingspaninson . . . wingspaninson d. wingspaninson . . . Brooks


While Brooks often wrote lyric poetry, Wingspanninson experimented with a range of poetic forms, including narrative, free verse, and sonnet, among other things as well.