Silver-plated utensils were popular before stainless steel became widely used to make eating utensils. Silver tarnishes when it comes in contact with hydrogen sulfide, H2S, which is found in the air and in some foods. However, stainless steel does not tarnish when itcomes in contact with hydrogen sulfide.

76 In the space in your answer booklet, draw a Lewis electron-dot diagram for the compound that tarnishes silver. [1]

77 In the ground state, an atom of which noble gas has the same electron configuration as the sulfide ion in Ag2S? [1]


Answer 1

Silver tarnishes due to the chemical reaction with hydrogen sulfide, forming silver sulfide. A Lewis dot structure for H2S shows sulfur at the center bonded to two hydrogen atoms. The sulfide ion in Ag2S has the same electron configuration as the noble gas neon.

The chemical compound that tarnishes silver is hydrogen sulfide, H2S. In terms of Lewis electron dot structures, hydrogen sulfide, H2S, would be modelled as an S atom at the center surrounded by two H atoms. Each H atom is bonded to the S atom by a shared pair of electrons, represented by a single line. In the sulfide ion S2- (which is a part of Ag2S), there are additional 2 electrons to the sulfur atom, making a total of 8 valence electrons, which is the same electron configuration as the noble gas neon.

Learn more about Chemical Reaction here:


Answer 2

Final answer:

The compound that tarnishes silver is silver sulfide (Ag2S), and its Lewis electron-dot diagram can be drawn by representing the valence electrons. The sulfide ion in Ag2S has the same electron configuration as the noble gas argon (Ar).


A Lewis electron-dot diagram is a representation of the valence electrons in an atom or a compound. The compound that tarnishes silver is silver sulfide (Ag2S). The Lewis electron-dot diagram for Ag2S can be drawn by representing the valence electrons of each element.

The sulfide ion in Ag2S has the same electron configuration as the noble gas argon (Ar). This means that the electron configuration of the sulfide ion is 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6.

Learn more about the Tarnishing of silver and electron configurations of noble gases here:


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A nuclear fission reaction and a nuclear fusion reaction are similar because both reactions(1) form heavy nuclides from light nuclides
(2) form light nuclides from heavy nuclides
(3) release a large amount of energy
(4) absorb a large amount of energy


Both reactions release a large amount of energy is the statement that is correct about the similarity between a nuclear fission reaction and a nuclear fusion reaction.

A nuclear reaction is a procedure that leads to combining and modifying the nuclei of atoms, absorbing or releasing particles and energy according to each case.

  • When nuclei fragment, the reaction is known as nuclear fission, which releases energy.

  • The reaction that occurs when two light atomic nuclei join together is known as nuclear fusion, generating a heavier nucleus and releasing a large amount of energy.

Therefore, we can conclude that while in a fusion reaction two or more light nuclei unite, in a fission reaction a heavy nucleus breaks, both cause the release of energy.

Learn more about nuclear reactions here:

Answer: (3) release a large amount of energy


Nuclear fusion is a process which involves the conversion of two small nuclei to form a heavy nuclei along with release of energy.

4_1^1\textrm{H}\rightarrow _2^4\textrm{He}+2_(+1)^0\textrm{e}+\text{energy}

Nuclear fission is a process which involves the conversion of a heavier nuclei into two or more small and stable nuclei along with the release of energy.

_(92)^(235)\textrm{U}+_0^1\textrm{n}\rightarrow _(56)^(143)Ba+_(36)^(90)Kr+3_0^1\textrm{n}+\text{energy}

Thus in the both the reactions energy is released.

For any given reaction, which of the following will speed up the reaction rate? a)increase the temperature
b)add a catalyst
c)increase the surface area
d)All of the choices are correct.
e)None of the choices are correct.


All of the choices are correct.  Catalysts increase reaction rate by lowering the activation energy of a reaction.  When you increase both the temperature and surface area you are just increasing the number of collisions which also increases the reaction rate since the reaction happens when molecules or atoms collide in the correct orientation and with enough energy and you are increasing the number of times that happens in a given time period.

I hope this helps.  Let me know in the comments if anything is unclear.

Which of the following is true in regard to ions?


Here are some of the facts about ions:
An ion is a charged molecule or atom. It is positively when there are more protons than electrons. You call it positive ion.  
It is negatively charged when there are more electrons than protons. It is called anion. 

14.   Which of the following is true in regard to ions?  


  A. Ions can only carry positive charges.  

  B. An ionized atom has a number of protons that is unequal to the number of electrons.  

  C. A cation will hold a positive charge if it gains one or more electrons.  

  D. Losing one or more electrons will turn an atom into an anion.

Answer is B

(took the test C is wrong)

Carbon-13 is an isotope of carbon. The atomic number of carbon is 6. How many neutrons does carbon-13 have?


Neutrons = mass no. - atomic no. Therefore depending on your periodic table (mine says 12 for mass number) so you do (mass no. - 6 = 6 or 7 ) depending again if you use 12 or 13

This is easy, just read the last question. (Already Asked this question before)How many grams of Sodium Hydroxide could be produced if 1.2L of 3.0 M Calcium Hydroxide are consumed?

Na2CO3 + Ca(OH)2 --> 2NaOH + CaCO3

Now I know how to do equations like this, just a bit confused on how to use my conversion factors.

Do I need to use the 3.0 Molarity in this equation or can I just use Molar Volume of a gas (22.4L/1 mole)?


You would have to use the molarity of calcium hydroxide to find the moles of calcium hydroxide. Once you have moles, just convert using mole:mole ratio and find the grams of sodium hydroxide.

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atoms can be the source of both nuclear and chemical energy. Nuclear energy involves the atom's nucleus; chemical energy involves the atom's electrons—subatomic particles that surround the nucleus.

Both are types of potential energy, and Involve stored energy.