An argument is .... based on emotion. based on anger. based on logic. based on fiction.


Answer 1

The correct answer is C. Based on logic


The word "argument" refers to the statements or premises that can be reasons or evidence provided to prove a certain idea or a different statement called a conclusion. Because of this, arguments are usually based on logic as they connect to the statement or conclusion that the speaker or writer wants to prove through the process of reasoning and therefore evidence such as facts, induction processes or induction process that are based on logic should be used. Thus, it can be concluded an argument is based on logic rather than on anger, emotion or fiction.

Answer 2
Answer: An argument is based on logic

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 A sentence is a group of words that contains a subject and a verb  with a complete thought. A sentence can be declarative, imperative, interrogative, or exclamatory. The group of one word 'Sit!' forms a sentence because it contains the verb 'sit' and the subject  'you' is understood. This is an imperative sentence, which has the purpose to give a command. Example: "Go!" , "Stop!"

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Which line from Chaucer’s “General Prologue" to The Canterbury Tales is a reference to the feudal social structure of medieval England?



"Full worthy was he in his liege-lord's war,  

And therein had he ridden (none more far)  

As well in Christendom as heathenesse,  

And honoured everywhere for worthiness.

At Alexandria, he, when it was won;"


The narrator describes the gathering individuals as indicated by their social positions. The pilgrims speak to a various cross-area of fourteenth-century English society.

Final answer:

The line from Chaucer's 'General Prologue' references the feudal social structure of medieval England by describing a knight embodying the period's virtues. This representation mirrors the high standing of knights in the feudal hierarchy.


The line from Chaucer's 'General Prologue' to The Canterbury Tales referencing the feudal social structure of medieval England is: 'A knight there was, and that a worthy man, That from the time that he first began, To riden out, he loved chivalry, Truth and honour, freedom and courtesy.'

This line describes a knight who embodies the virtues of the period: chivalry, truth, honor, freedom, and courtesy. In the feudal system, the knight is a warrior aristocrat who serves his lord (often a more powerful nobleman or the king) as a vassal. He is expected to behave with these virtues and this sophisticated depiction suggests the upper echelons of the feudal hierarchy.

Learn more about Feudal Social Structure


What does the root fort of the word fortify mean?A) break
B) suffer
C) strong
D) move



It means 'Strong', or Strength. Letter C.


Other examples of applications of this root word include Effort; Fortitude or even Fort.

Hint: You can easily find charts with hundreds of examples of root words and their application both as prefix and suffix to base words, on the internet.


Read the opening lines of Sojourner Truth’s speech “Ain’t I a Woman?”Well, children, where there is so much racket there must be something out of kilter. I think that 'twixt the negroes of the South and the women at the North, all talking about rights, the white men will be in a fix pretty soon. But what's all this here talking about?

What tone do these lines convey?

A.)a formal and reserved tone
B.)a conversational and inquisitive tone
C.)a dissatisfied and pessimistic tone
D.)a hopeful and idealistic tone


The correct answer must be:

B.) a conversational and inquisitive tone

The speaker is talking to the children as stated at the beginning of the speech. The words used are simple and easy to comprehend. The phrase "I think" also denotes conversational manner of speaking as its referring to personal point of view shared to the listeners. The last sentence is in imperative form which suggests curiosity.

Multiple Choice Read the paragraph and choose the correct mark of punctuation that belongs in each underlined space. Wow __(1)__ Look over there by the tree at the huge beetle. It must be a Hercules beetle __(2)__ Did you know that a Hercules beetle has a horn that grows up to four inches long __(3)__1.
question mark
exclamation point <-My Answer
period<-My Answer
question mark
exclamation point
question mark<-My Answer
exclamation point


Answer: 1) Exclamation point; 2) Period; 3) Question mark.

Explanation: The first sentence consists only of the word "wow," so it is an obvious case of exclamation. "It must be a Hercules beetle" is a statement expressing an inference, so it should end with a period, and in the last sentence, the form "Did you know" clearly belongs to a question, so the question mark must be at the end.

1. exclamation point
2. period
3. question mark

Overall your answers are correct :)

Which one of the following is characteristic of a character study? A. The character comes to an unhappy end.
B. Getting a glimpse into the character's mind and heart is the most important element of the story.
C. The character is usually tragicomic that is, he or she is both funny and sad at different times.
D. The protagonist is a static character.


One of the characteristics of a character study is (B) getting a glimpse into the character's mind and heart is the most important element of the story.

In a character study, a character's traits and personality are often more important than the plot of the story.

Answer is B.) Getting a glimpse into the character's mind and heart is the most important element of the story.

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