Unsupported claims
Pseudoscience is kind of a fake science. it uses scientifical terms to trick people into thinking it actually is science. It uses words like "quantum" in a sentence such as "Buy this quantum phone charger for your phone to charge 2x the normal speed!" Since it has the "quantum" in it, some people do actually think it's scientific, and fall for that ad.
So, the answer is unsupported claims because those claims such as "Drinking milk and eating mango at the same time lead you to death" are fake beliefs that don't have any scientifical evidence.
usupported answer
-Enzymes are biological catalysts that are used to increase the rate of different biological reactions. They are biological proteins that facilitate biochemical reactions.
-Enzymes are proteins that are folded into complex shapes that allow smaller molecules to fit into them. Proteins are biological macromolecules that are diverse in shape size and function. However, other enzymes and very few may be catalytic RNA molecules.