2 questions??? realy need help 1) define the term town meeting and name which region of the united states that town meetings are most commonly held.

2) what is the job of a coroner??


Answer 1
Answer: A town meeting is the purest form of democratic governing. It is a place where citizens can voice their opinions for changes in their communities. The town meeting is where the salaries are set for the city officials, it votes to appropriate money to run the town and votes on the town's by-laws. The town meetings were begun in New England but are also held in the South. Generally, the town will have 12,000 or less people otherwise it can be classified as a city.

The coroner's job is to perform autopsies to answer questions of cause of death, to run tests to fix responsibility for cause of death. They run pathological and toxicological tests to eliminate causes or prove causes of death. They are involved in inquests to certain deaths.

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If it was the second world war - Italy was a signatory to the tripartite pact - with Germany and Japan - when they were known as the Axis powers. They surrendered to the allies and in 1943 when the Allies overran southern Italy following Operation Husky.
Eventually declared war on the Central Powers.

The organization of Congress into committees is important because of __________.-the volume of legislation that comes before Congress
-the opportunity for members to develop expertise in one or two fields
-both "a" and "b" are reasons for the organization of Congress into committees
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Both A and B are reasons for the organization of Congress into committees and it is pretty self explanatory why. It is all about efficiency.


Both "a" and "b" are reasons for the organization of Congress into committees.


The Legislative branch is granted with the arduous task of proposing bills, discussing them and enacting legislation. Without its four types of committees (The permanent, joint, specials and conferences committees), which are also divided into sub-committees, Congress would not be able to deal with the great volume of legislation of different matters that comes before it, and it would simply collapse. Furthermore, this type of organization is also important due to the opportunity for members to develop expertise in one or two fields (Commerce, Foreign Affairs, Education, Workforce, etc.) so they can propose and make laws that best fit Americans' needs.

The korean war select one: allowed truman to increase income taxes. aided a communist movement in the u.s. helped truman implement a broad vision of nsc-68. had little impact on america or its foreign policy decisions. was the first time since world war ii that atomic bombs were used in warfare.


Helped Truman to implement a broad vision of nsc - 68.  

The presence of many different churches in the colony of New Jersey indicated that??



A large number of settlers where of differing religions because they were escaping religious persecutions in the old world.


Revolutionary groups that have competing goals or visions about what the revolution is to accomplish are called _____.a. factions
b. assemblies
c. parties
d. radicals


Oftentimes, revolutionary groups that have competing goals or visions about what the revolution is to accomplish are called "factions," since they often still share the same overarching goal. 

The correct answer is: "factions".

A faction is a party, within a larger organization, that defends ideas which dissent from those of the majority of the members in the organization. The faction might actually constitute a new separate group.

Factions can arise within revolutionary groups, if its members adopt different viewpoints about the goals of the movement. It can lead to the emergence of two separate groups or both factions can coexist within the same organization.

In 1994 South Africans elected Nelson Mandela president, after he and the previous president helped pass laws to end apartheid. This election was the first of its kind in South African history and resembled US elections which are guided by the Constitution and include


Answer: C

Explanation: universal suffrage for men and women of all races.


The elections were guided by the US constitution and included (C) Universal suffrage of men and women of all races


  • The first general elections after South Africa gained freedom were held  between 26th and 29th April 1994. It was the first election in which all citizens were allowed to vote irrespective of their races.
  • Independent Electoral Commission directed the elections.
  • In this election total 19,726,579 votes were counted and more that 190,000 votes were rejected.
  • The African National Congress gained 62 percent of the total vote and formed government with the Inkatha party and national Party.

Learn more about South African Independence: https://brainly.in/question/1565711
