Some one tell me what mean hola in spanish


Answer 1
Answer: Spanish is Hola, and English is Hello. :D
Answer 2
Answer: Spanish: Hola
English: Hello

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1. la independencia de México

2. las fiestas patrias

3. artistas

4. las condiciones sociales

5. sur / centroamérica

6. pirámides

7. plata

8. Zacatecas

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Stem changing verbs have spelling changes in all forms of present tense EXCEPT nosotros(as) & vosotros(as). Stem of verbs are the part of the infinitive that's left after dropping endings such as -ar, -er, or -ir. Pedir translated is "to ask or order". The way you'd put that in present is Yo - Pido. Tu - Pides. El, Ella, Ust. - Pide. Nosotros - Pedimos. Vosotros - Pedis. Ellos, Ellas, Uds. - Piden. Servir is the same way just replace the -ir with the correct change.

The verb “pedir”  in English translates as “to ask”

 The conjugation in English is:

 I ask

 You ask

 He asks

 She asks

 It asks

 We ask

 You ask

 They ask

 The conjugation in Spanish is:

 Yo pido

 Tu pides

 El pide

 Ella pide

 Nosotros pedimos

 Ustedes piden

 Ellos piden

 Ellas piden

 The verb “servir”  in English translates as “to serve”

 The conjugation in English is:

 I serve

 You serve

 He serves

 She serves

 It serves

 We serve

 You serve

 They serve

 The conjugation in Spanish is:

 Yo sirvo

 Tú sirves

 El sirve

 Ella sirve

 Nosotros servimos

 Ustedes sirven

 Ellos sirven

 Ellas sirven

Señoritas, ¿adónde _ustedes ayer?
A. estuvieron
B. dijeron
C. fueron
D. van



Should be C = fueron


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Ladies. Where did you go yesterday?

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That would be "Cena" :)

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“Los” y “la” sin las respuestas