What is the author's attitude about the relationship between human beings and animals?


Answer 1
Answer: In this story, the author is making the point that humans and animals are far more similar in many ways than people tend to think, specifically when it comes to forming relationships.

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When the War of 1812 ended and Treaty of Ghent was signed, what was the outcome? Question 5 options:

The United States got the rights to the Mississippi River and all of its tributaries.

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Good Morning!
The Treaty of Ghent returned all the lands conquered to its former rulers, and, of course, to establish the beginnings of the Canadian border.Neither side gained nor lost territory, and both sides reverted to their positions before the war.


Neither side gained nor lost territory, and both sides reverted to their positions before the war.


K-12 Quiz verified

What describes a referendum


A referendum is direct vote in which an entire electorate is asked to vote on a particular proposal. 

Why did Einstein urge the president to authorize the Manhattan Project



The main reason why Einstein urged the president to authorize the project known as the “Manhattan Project” is because Germany was also developing atomic bombs


Back in 1939, the president of the US was Franklin D. Roosevelt. In this period Einstein and other scientists were close to developing an atomic bomb.

Becuse that Germany was also close to figuring out how to make an atomic bomb, a scientist and the co-worker of Einstein, Szilard wrote a letter to the president urging him to authorize the Manhattan project. This letter was just signed by Einstein (not written).

The decision was made and the project was active.

Still, the important fact is that Einstein himself was not later included in the project. At that time, he was considered a kind of celebrity and his own safety would have been in jeopardy if he had worked on it. The project’s info was basically denied to Einstein and the only contribution from his side was several equations.

At the end of the project, when the atomic bombs were already created and the decisions of their dropping points made, Einstein found out everything about the project and as he said, he regretted signing the letter.


He wanted the United States to develop an atomic bomb before the Germans did.



What was the impact of the civil rights protests in Birmingham?


In April 1963 Martin Luther King went to Birmingham, Alabama, a city where public facilities were separated for blacks and whites. King intended to force the desegregation of lunch counters in downtown shops by a non-violent protest.

Birmingham was one of the most challenging places to demonstrate for civil rights. George Wallace, the new Governor of Alabama, did not like integration, the bringing together of different racial groups. Birmingham was also a stronghold for the Ku Klux Klan that had been responsible for 18 bombings in the city. Eugene ‘Bull’ Connor, the man in charge of police and firemen, supported the Ku Klux Klan when they attacked black ‘freedom fighters’.

King wanted to gain full national attention for events in Birmingham. He hoped that President Kennedy would be forced to intervene.

The protests began at segregated lunch counters and the protesters were repeatedly arrested. Others marched in protest to the city hall. They were arrested and further marching was banned. King was arrested after leading another march. From jail he wrote a letter saying that people have a moral duty to disobey unjust laws.

King was released and the protest continued to grow. The plan was to use high school children as protesters, get them to fill up the city’s prisons and shame the city on a national level. On 2 May police arrested over a thousand young people aged 6-18 years. The next day more children joined the protest. This time ‘Bull’ Connor ordered the police to use clubs and dogs on the marchers and instructed firemen to get rid of the crowds with high-pressure water hoses.

As the protests continued, the images of police brutality shocked the world and gained a lot of sympathy for the civil rights movement. After pressure from President Kennedy and his brother, the Attorney General, Birmingham shops and businesses finally agreed on 10 May to desegregate all rest rooms, lunch counters, fitting rooms and drinking fountains, and to hire more black workers. The President started to push for a new Civil Rights law.

What were some of Hongwu's agricultural Reforms?


Hongwu really got china's agriculture alive, some of the crops he focused on were;

 - increased rice production
- improved irrigation
- encouraged fish farming and growing commercial crops;  cotton, sugar cane, etc.

Help! Which statements describe FDR's presidency? A. FDR was very effective as a crisis manager. B. FDR inspired the American people. C. FDR strengthened the two-party system. D. FDR resisted bringing new people into government. E. FDR refused to sign legislation that would protect the environment. F. FDR won the war and worked hard for a peaceful postwar world.


f,b,and a i believe
 bit there might be more