Correct answer A. the act of telling a story becomes part of the story Explanation:
test said it was correct
historical novel
The answer you're looking for is Anthology!
I've attached an image showing that it is the correct answer on Plato.
around 4 years old
about 4 years old is typically when a child has developed fine motor skill necessary for drawing a square
b. with
c. are
d. is
An example of unbiased fact about plagiarism by university students is 36% of undergraduate students admit to copying a few sentences from internet source without providing a footnote. Meanwhile, an example of biased fact about plagiarism by university students is people that plagiarize are lazy.
Plagiarism is an act of “stealing” and using other people’s thoughts, ideas, language, or expression and presents it as one’s original work. University students are prone to plagiarism as they have to use various sources to work on their assignments. Nothing’s wrong with looking for assignment material from other sources as long as the student credit the author or writer. However, many university students do not provide proper credit or footnote.
Unbiased facts about plagiarism by university students
Biased facts about plagiarism by university students
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Plagiarism, plagiarism by university students, facts about plagiarism.
Subject: English
Class: High School
Subchapter: Plagiarism