what amendment gives us protection against the national government's doings things not listed in the constitution


Answer 1
Answer: The tenth amendment gives us protection against the National Government doings things not listed in the constitution.
Answer 2
Answer: Sorry for before, I'm just gonna re-answer my question. (it got deleted). Okay, so straight to the point: The tenth amendment gives us protection against the national government's doings things not listed in the constitution. The tenth amendment says and I quote, "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited to it by the states, are reserved to the states respectfully, or to the people." If you read this over a couple times, you will notice that it has all the parts in your question. Therefore, your answer is the tenth amendment!!! If this needs clarifying, or you need help with something else, feel free to ask me. I am better @ English than math however, but I'll try to help!! Hope this helps!!! Bye!!! (:

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What was the main accomplishment of the articles of confederation?



The correct answer to the question: What was the main accomplishment of the Articles of Confederation, would be, that through them a resolution of several land disputes between the different colonies was accomplished and they also managed to unite them under a single banner, and a single system of belief, that turned into the Union, and the formation of the United States as a new country, with a unified system of government, instead of 13 different systems, and independent, states.


Before the passing of the Articles of Confederation, the newly freed colonies were simple independent entities without much to gather them together, and a lot of conflicts between them on land acquisition and land management. However, with the passing of the Articles, these independent states were joined into one group, under one banner and one system, that allowed the formation of the United States as a country. Without them, the U.S would have never gained its freedom, and maintained its freedom, from the power of Great Britain.

Final answer:

The main accomplishment of the Articles of Confederation was that it provided the United States with a form of government during the Revolutionary War. It also led to the passage of the Northwest Ordinance in 1787.


The Articles of Confederation was the first constitution of the United States. Its main accomplishment was that it provided the country with a form of government and process of decision making during the Revolutionary War.

Despite a host of issues, including a lack of a central authority and difficulties in collecting taxes, the Articles of Confederation did hold the 13 colonies together during the Revolutionary War. It also led to the passage of the Northwest Ordinance in 1787, which established rules for governing the Northwest Territory and a procedure for admitting new states to the Union.

Learn more about Articles of Confederation here:



What role did the navajo code talkers play in WW2?


The Navajo Wind Talkers were very instrumental in WWII using their Native American language to transmit codes the Japanese could not decipher. There were 400-500 Native Americans that served in the Marine Corps. Their job was to transmit secret tactical messages in the South Pacific Theater. The efforts of these men improved communications in the encryption at both ends of the message. It was sent by Navajo Wind Talkers in one area and received by another Navajo Wind Talker in another area of the front lines. Although we generally hear of code talkers in WW II, there was also a group in WW I from the Choctaw Native Americans. Other Native American tribes that helped with code talking were the Cherokee, Comanche, Choctaw, Lakota and Meskwaki.

The Navajo Wind Talkers were especially hard to decipher because of their complex grammar and the fact that at the time of WW II it was still an unwritten language. A code book was developed. Code talkers could encrypt a message at one end and decode it on the other end ten minutes quicker than the standard English message. When their various dialects, accents, syntax and tones were added into an already difficult language it is said that only people raised in that area could decode a message. It is generally agreed that without the code talkers the Marines would have never taken Iwo Jima.


The Navajo code talkers played crucial roles in every Marine offensive in the Pacific, from Guadalcanal in 1942 to Iwo Jima in 1945. ... A two-man team of code talkers attached to a Marine regiment relay coded orders over a field radio


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B. to profit from the region’s land and natural resources

C. to find new markets to sell British goods

D. to help indigenous people improve their lives


The right answer is C

The interest of the English settlers was to conquer areas of influence in the world where English goods could be consumed and to dominate regions that could supply raw materials needed to sustain industries.

a ..... in this time Queen Victoria was ruling and hoping that  she would be able to colonise more countries than France

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