In standard form, Sixty-nine thousand one hundred eight can be written as 69108.
The standard form may be defined as the way of representing the numbers in a systematic format that follows certain rules and regulations.
It is a method of writing a given mathematical concept like an equation, number, or an expression in a form that follows certain rules.
For example, Sixty-nine thousand one hundred eight can be written as:
69108: where 8 is at one's position, 0 is at tens position, 1 is at hundred positions, 9 is at thousand positions, and 6 is at the ten-thousands position.
Therefore, sixty-nine thousand one hundred eight in standard form can be figured as 69108.
To learn more about the Standard form, refer to the link:
The author supports her argument that people can become healthier by making small changes which include that they should be informed of it and have a correct diet routine.
An anecdote is a brief story about any real incident or reality of a person.
The author uses an anecdote to depict the people how they can have a good meal plan and how can they cut down their carbs. If the people incorporate some changes in their daily lives, then it can be easier for them to be healthy at all times.
Therefore, the correct diet routine eventually helps people in improving their eating habits and makes them healthier.
Learn more about anecdotes in the related link:
Identify the argument she has said in the part of the article. How did she develop the argument to it's potential? Do not include anything not in the part of the article. Looks like you answered your own question, by the way.
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He saved Ariel from the evil spell he had been placed under.