How did stalin centralize control within russia with what results


Answer 1
Answer: By creating what people call Stalinism. A cult of Stalin was developed which included six main objectives
- command economy whereby the state controls most of soviet life
-politicisation of life
-social structure, so all were equal in the state
-culture was controlled by propaganda
Revolutionary conservatism
As a result of the cult of Stalin he was able to keep in power and rule over the USSR easier
Answer 2
Answer: After World War 2, Hitler was going already and then he took over Russia. He kept some of the concentration camps and he killed over 10,000 people (not just jews). I also though he took over some countries and then they became Communist countries.

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B. He sincerely believe that Johnson had not committed an impeachable offense.

Senator Ross's vote allowed Johnson to stay in office, as they failed to reach the 2/3's majority in order to impeach. Ross believed that even if Johnson had been outside of his authority in replacing Stanton, it was not an offense worthy of impeachment.


B. He sincerely believed that Johnson had not committed an impeachable offense

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In history the lessons we learn are vital to our survival as the human race
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It is also vital to our lineage discovery we learn about ourself by reading history. I learned more about my spartan lineage by reading about ancient Greece

Thats the best answer i got

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"the japanese attack on pearl harbor"


The attack on Pearl Harbor was a surprise military offensive by the Imperial Japanese Navy against the United States naval base at Pearl Harbor (Hawaii) on the morning of Sunday, December 7, 1941. The attack was intended as a preventive action aimed at to avoid the intervention of the United States Pacific Fleet in the military actions that the Empire of Japan was planning to carry out in Southeast Asia against the overseas possessions of the United Kingdom, France, the Netherlands and the United States. The Japanese made this offensive coincide with the attack on the possessions of the British Empire in Hong Kong, Malaysia and Singapore, which were already in their possession in mid-February 1942.

The attack deeply shocked the American people and led directly to the entry of the United States in World War II, both in the theaters of war in Europe and the Pacific. The day after this offensive, December 8, the United States declared war on the Empire of Japan.


the japanese attack on pearl harbor


How did the Suez Crisis affect perceptions of the United States and its allies?They no longer appeared to be a unified front.

They seemed weak and willing to negotiate.

They proved willing to use brutal force to end a conflict.

They appeared to support the Zionist mission.


They no longer appeared to be a unified front.

The US refused to support the alliance between Israel, France, and Britain due to fears of drawing in the Soviet Union to the conflict. 

The Suez Crisis showed that the major powers of the world had become split when a threat of nuclear war was on the table. The Suez Crisis presented a threat of nuclear war as the Soviet Union suggested they would come to the aid of Egypt. Eisenhower decided to keep the US out of the conflict because he believed that action would trigger Soviet Union response. The US not coming to aid Britain and France demonstrated some disunity among the major powers. 
"They no longer appeared to be a unified front" is the one way among the following choices given in the question that the Suez Crisis affect perceptions of the United States and its allies. The correct option among all the options that are given in the question is the first option. I hope the answer has helped you.