What does the phrase "¿Qué desayunas?" mean in English?


Answer 1
Answer: "¿Qué desayunas?" in English means "What are you having for breakfast?"
Answer 2
Answer: What are you having for breakfast? is english for Qu'e desayunas

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hope this helps,this is how I learned.

alwayyys be practicing, talk with a relative or friend that knows spanish. just keep saying as much as you know, and ask questions. but keep talking and you’ll start to get the hang of it. GOOD LUCK

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Plz help me with this ASAP x



Mi rutina matutinaempieza cuando me levanto a las 7:30AM.Primero ordenó mi cama y limpio un poco mi habitación,suelo escuchar música mientras lo hago.Luego voy al baño y cepillo mis dientes,tomo una ducha y me arreglo para salir.

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I usually use estudiantes or chicos.

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Se llama
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Lol no se que dices jajaja