Why does Jackson think that the speedy removal of the Native Americans is good for the United States


Answer 1
Answer: Jackson had always been for the removal of Native Americans from their tribal lands. He considered them beneath him and many Americans. Jackson thought he was doing the Americans a favor so they could claim the the land the Indians lived on. Much of it was already settled and American settlers would not have to tame the land, set up road systems. He was hoping that the overture would appease some of the people who were upset over Indian Wars and the land that was so "available". Jackson thought if he removed the Native Americans then there would be less bloodshed all around. 
Answer 2


Jackson urged Indians to assimilate and obey state laws. Further, he believed that he could only accommodate the desire for Indian self-rule in federal territories, which required resettlement west of the Mississippi River on federal lands.

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In fact, the war had a far-reaching impact in the United States, as the Treaty of Ghent ended decades of bitter partisan infighting in government and ushered in the so-called “Era of Good Feelings.” The war also marked the demise of the Federalist Party, which had been accused of being unpatriotic for its antiwar.


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Answer: If you had the same quiz as me then I'm 98% sure it's, Progressive

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Agrarian societies were based around _____.


The correct answer is this one: "agriculture." Agrarian societies were based around agriculture. The found it better the be right next to their food source, than to go hunter for food. Their source of income and at the same time source of living is within agriculture works.

Read the passage from A Confederate Girl's Diary by Sarah Morgan Dawson. Then, respond to the writing prompt. "The North Cannot subdue us. We are too determined to be free. They have no right to confiscate our property to pay debts they themselves have incurred. Death as a nation, rather than Union on such terms. We will have our rights secured on so firm a basis that it can never be shaken. If by power of overwhelming numbers they conquer us, it will be a barren victory over a desolate land. We, the natives of this loved soil, will be beggars in a foreign land; we will not submit to despotism under the garb of Liberty. The North will find herself burdened with an unparalleled debt, with nothing to show for it except deserted towns, burning homes, a standing army which will govern with no small caprice, and an impoverished land. If that be treason, make the best of it!" -A Confederate Girl's Diary, Sarah Morgan Dawson

In one paragraph, explain Dawson's viewpoint about the expected invasion of the Union army upon her home state of Louisiana. Your response should summarize her viewpoint and cite relevant textual evidence to support your explanation.​



Dawson's viewpoint about the expected invasion upon Louisiana was that the Confederate was stable and would beat the North when they come. Her diary states, "The North will find herself burdened with an unparalleled debt, with nothing to show for it except deserted towns, burning homes..."  this suggests that she is awfully confident in the ability of the South. Sarah believes that they will get a victory, get their rights secured, and never have to listen to the North again.

Final answer:

Sarah Morgan Dawson believes that the North cannot subdue Louisiana and expresses her refusal to submit to despotism under the garb of Liberty. She predicts that the North will be burdened with debt and left with a desolate land.


Sarah Morgan Dawson's viewpoint about the expected invasion of the Union army upon her home state of Louisiana is that the North cannot subdue them because they are determined to be free. She believes that the North has no right to confiscate their property to pay debts incurred by themselves. She expresses her refusal to submit to despotism under the garb of Liberty and predicts that the North will be burdened with debt and left with a desolate land.

Learn more about Sarah Morgan Dawson's viewpoint on the expected invasion of the Union army on Louisiana here:



"In the interest of all America and even the world, I will lower all taxes, increase jobs, and make the quality of life two times better than is has ever been in this state." This statement is an example of: A plain folk B glittering generalities C name calling D card stock


The correct answer for the question that is being presented above is this one: "B glittering generalities." "In the interest of all America and even the world, I will lower all taxes, increase jobs, and make the quality of life two times better than is has ever been in this state." This statement is an example of glittering generalities.


B is the answer
