Which sentence has a misplaced adjective phrase? A. The shelf above the counter is too high B. The girl next door is one of my best friends C. The disagreement over the basketball game really wasn't very important D. The girl gave a tour of the house with the blue dress


Answer 1
Answer: The girl gave a tour of the house with the blue dress has the misplaced adjective phrase because she didn't give a tour of the house with the help of the blue dress - she was wearing the blue dress.
Answer 2
Answer: The sentence that has a misplaced adjective phrase is D) The girl gave a tour of the house with the blue dress. 

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The correct answer should be A. "dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal"

Abolitionists and Northern States were indeed dedicated to that proposition and fought for equality.

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Yes, these questions are important because theyanswer the following:*Your strengths: they could be your resources,skills, talents in any aspect that could invite readers to read your write up.
*If you dislike writing, then decide if you need toimprove your writing skills or your initiative to write or let it stay as itis.
*Knowing your point for improvement makes yourwriting go to the next level: Learn from your mistakes.

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b. They are both very tense places.
c. They are both places where people come to relax.
d. They are both very cold places.


a. They are both places where people study neutrons.

Some people say teenagers shouldn't be treated as adults because they think teens are not mature enough to control themselves. However I believe that teens should be treated as adults because they are already responsible for their actions and know what's good or bad, another reason is if they do something bad they'll know the consequences and they know will be treated as adults not kids, another reason is they learn from their mistakes. ( is my thesis good pleaseeeeeeee?)


your thesis is great, but you should also mention that if they don't start taking responsibilities at this age, then they will not be a skilled adult and they may learn faster this way before they turn 18, other than that, this was a great thsis. I hate it when people say that teens cant be treated like adults. 
I think your thesis is good. Teenagers should be treated like adult also because soon fhey will be. Its better to be trained now on how to be an adult then be confused during your adulthood

Which sentence best defines parallel structure at the sentence level?Two or more phrases in a sentence are the same length.
Two or more parts of a sentence are connected by a conjunction.
Two or more parts of a sentence have the same grammatical form.
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The sentence which best defines parallel structure at the sentence level is:

Two or more parts of a sentence have the same grammatical form.

In addition, parallelism is a rhetorical device use to convey ideas with equal importance express in similar grammatical form. 
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