What is the subjunctive tense of the French verb "vêtir" (to clothe)? Option 1: vêtir Option 2: vête Option 3: vêtisse Option 4: vêtissons


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Hi I need someone to translate some words to french. -please no translators- I already answered the questions for the assignment but they have to be in french. (Remis is a city in France)1. The picture is the city of Remis
2. 200,000 inhabitants
3. Northeast of France, Remis.
4. This is a city where kings received their coronations
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 Reims (attention to spelling)
1. The picture is the city of Remis
L'image (ou la photo) est la ville de Reims.

2. 200,000 inhabitants .
Deux cent mille habitants.
It is better to say : Il y a deux cent mille (200 000) habitants.

It is better to say: Il y a deux cent mille habitants.
3. Northeast of France, Remis.
Rémis est dans le Nord Est de la France.

4. This is a city where kings received their coronations.
C'est une ville où les rois ont reçu leur couronnement.

It is better to say: In this city, many kings were crowned.
Dans cette ville, beaucoup de rois ont été couronnés.

 5. Remis is the capital of the champagne region.
It is better to say:Is a French commune in the Marne in the Champagne-Ardenne region.

6. It is the beautiful cathedral in Remis, France.
It is better to say :
La cathédrale de Notre-Dame de Reims est magnifique.
The Cathedral of Notre-Dame de Reims is beautiful .

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the daughter of my grandfather's or my mother or my aunt, this is what you wanted to know?

On which of these products would you be most likely to find French:a. dog food
b. lotion
c. fruit
d. yogurt







Hello !

On which of these products would you be most likely to find French:

a. dog food

b. lotion

c. fruit

d. yogurt

It’s c) fruit

Help with French PLEASEE!!!!


I don't understand very well if this is then answer. But Lots of these are talking about movies and such so I am guessing that B doesn't belong because it is a boulet is a ball not anything cinematic.

The others is a Cinema, a Movie, a Session. But a ball seems odd. Unless that it something that is supposed to deal with something entertaining. Then that means a "session" would be incorrect. But I feel that if you do B or C it is based on what you think the context of what you had learned in your lesson. I hope this helps!


which of the following phrases does not belong ?

CORRECT ANSWER =B- aller au boulot

all the phrases are about cinema  except this one

A- aller au cinéma =======> go to the movie theater

B- aller au boulot  =======> go to work (in an informal way)

C- une séance ==========>a show (movie show)

D- une film d'épouvante ==> a horror movie


How do you say Tuesday in French


Just think of the words "Mardi Gras" it should come to you after this but anyway the word "Tuesday" in French is "Mardi " Good Luck!

Tuesday in French: mardi

Les jours de la semaine :



Write an essay about mobile phonesles téléphone portables sont ils vraiment nécessaire ?
2 advantage and disadavantage

I hope someone can help me with this as I am struggling to write the introduction and advantage and disavantage


De nos jours de plus en plus de personnes possèdent un téléphone portable.

- être joignable par tous et à n'importe quel moment de la journée,
- c'est rassurant pour les parents (ils peuvent téléphoner à leurs enfants quand ils ne sont pas avec eux)
- en cas d'urgence (dans la rue par exemple) on peut de suite appeler les secours
- on peut envoyer des textos
- accéder à internet

- on devient vite "accro" aux portables, on se sent donc perdu dès qu'on l'oublie
- on peut être déranger n'importe quand, même la nuit, ou durant un repas de famille, une réunion professionnelle
-ondes magnétiques néfastes pour la santé


Le téléphone portable est très pratique, mais a utiliser avec modération.