a. A ship left Britain bringing agricultural products to America where it picked up manufactured goods. It then sailed to Africa where it sold the manufactured goods and purchased slaves. The slaves were then brought to Britain for sale.
b. A ship left Britain bringing manufactured products to Africa. These were traded for slaves, which were then brought to America. In America the slaves were traded for agricultural products, which were then brought to Britain for sale.
c. A ship left America empty and sailed to Africa. In Africa it picked up slaves, which were shipped to, and sold in America. In America the ship picked up a load of agricultural goods, which it then brought to England for sale.
d. A ship left Africa bringing agricultural goods to America. These were traded for slaves, which were then brought to England for sale. The ship then left England empty bound for Africa.
The correct answer is B. The most important event that happens at a party's National Convention is that the candidates for the presidency and vice presidency are nominated.
The conventions serve so that the delegates of each state that represent the parties, officially name the candidates.
The conventions also become instances for the parties to create support for their political programs, and to boost their convictions and values about the problems that affect the country
The court said key elements of the 14th Amendment were unconstitutional.
The court agreed that women had the right to vote in federal elections.
The court overturned Jim Crow laws throughout the South.
The court ruled that "separate but equal" public facilities were constitutional.
b. They were muddy and rutted, inflicting on coach travelers bone-jarring injuries.
c. They were in a bad state but it mattered little because no one used them.
d. They had never been in better condition and spurred trade between cities and countries.
the correct answer is C
B. John Calhoun
C. Harriet Beecher Stowe
D. Frederick Douglass
Answer: A Incorrect