In order to write number 0.000059 in scientific notation we need to move the decimal point from its current location (black dot) to the new position (red dot).
0.00005.9So, we need to move decimal point 5 places to the left.
This means that the power of 10 will be negative 5.
Now we have that the
Number part = 5.9 and
Exponent part = -5
So, the solution is:
Answer: The model is different because it has different denominator and numerator, u welcome :)
Step-by-step explanation:
Set it up as 15x-13+8x+29+2y=180 and then just find a algebra calculator and put that formula in there
This triangle is an isosceles triangle. That means that the two base angles are equal.
You can set the two expressions equal to each other.
Solving this, you will find that x=6
Now you can plug x into the two expressions.
Those are the measurements of the two angles.
To find the last angle, you know that the angles of any triangle add up to 180 degrees. Using this information, you can add up the 3 angle measurements and set them equal to 180.
Now plug in y.
THe three angle measures are 77, 77, and 26
A- (-1,0) B- (1,7) C- (6,5)
Step-by-step explanation:
these would be your new coordinates
see photo
Step-by-step explanation: