Which statement explains why the renaissance began in Italy


Answer 1
Answer: my answer -

The Italian city-states were wealthy centers of trade and manufacturing


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When it comes to what happened to the people's culture with migration patters, the answer is that as the people migrated the spread culture through diffusion. This means that their cultures mixed and new cultures were made by having cultures diffuse and mix and adopt elements of other cultures, but they would also lose some parts of their own that would get lost in time.

The special investigation into the Whitewater real estate scandal


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Learn more about the Whitewater scandal here:



Under the Articles of Confederation, Congress lacked the authority to make the states work together to solve national problems.a. True
b. False


True. The articles of confederation was poorly organized and did not unite the states.

1. How did geography spur industrialization in the Northeast?A. Good soil made it easier to grow raw materials.
B. Swift rivers provided power for machines.
C. Flat land facilitated factory construction.
D. The mild climate attracted many workers.

2. As agriculture became entrenched in the South,
A. planters built plantation schools to educate enslaved workers.
B. the South became too dependent on one crop, limiting development.
C. Southern whites began to doubt the benefits of slavery.
D. entrepreneurs built new factories to meet rising consumer demand.

3. Catholics were discriminated against during the Second Great Awakening because they
A. were wealthy and materialistic.
B. might choose their church’s leadership over their country’s.
C. took high-paying jobs from people of other faiths.
D. wanted the government to forbid doing business on the Sabbath.

4. In the 1800s, laws were most likely to favor members of which religion?
A. Protestant
B. Catholic
C. Jewish
D. Mormon


1. Geography spurred industrialization in the Northeast primarily because swift rivers provided power for machines. Option B is correct.

2. As agriculture became entrenched in the South, the South became too dependent on one crop, limiting development. Option B is correct.

3. Catholics were discriminated against during the Second Great Awakening because they might choose their church's leadership over their country's. Option B is correct.

4. In the 1800s, laws were most likely to favor members of Protestant religion. Option A is correct

Industrialization refers to the process of transforming an economy from primarily agrarian or rural-based to one characterized by the growth of industries, manufacturing, and mechanized production.

It involves the adoption of new technologies, division of labor, and the establishment of factories and mass production systems. Industrialization brings about significant social, economic, and technological changes, including urbanization, increased productivity, and the expansion of markets.

It often leads to shifts in employment patterns, population distribution, and the overall structure of society, marking a transition from traditional agricultural economies to modern industrial societies.

Learn more about Industrialization here:



What did Wilson hope to accomplish with the League of Nations?a. He hoped to create a world organization where countries could gather and resolve their quarrels peacefully.
b. He wanted the League of Nations to afford people the right to choose their own form of government.
c. He proposed the League of Nations could insist that Germany pay reparations to the countries it damaged during the war.
d. He believed the League of Nations could prevent freedom of the seas and free trade.


A. He hoped to create a world organization where countries could gather and resolve the quarrels peacefully.
The U.S. Congress actually denied entry into the League of Nations because they feared it would drag America into future wars.
Why did blacklisted union members have trouble finding jobs after the Pullman strike?
what is the answer that one 

In The Prince, Machiavelli says: "It is safer to be feared than to be loved." Which is the best description of his meaning? Rulers should only treat their own people with kindness; all others should live in fear.
Rulers will have more success by demonstrating power rather than goodwill.
Rulers should constantly watch out for traitors.
Rulers will succeed only if they make their subjects feel frightened.


The best description of his meaning would be that "Rulers will have more success by demonstrating power rather than goodwill," since Machiavelli was a pragmatist in this sense. 


B. Rulers will have more success by demonstrating power rather than goodwill.
