Based on the information, a reasonable distance between two cities is A.200 km
Kilometers (km) are the most common unit of measurement for distances between cities. Meters (m), centimeters (cm), and millimeters (mm) are all smaller units of measurement that are typically used for shorter distances.
It is not reasonable to measure the distance between two cities in centimeters or millimeters. The distance between two cities is typically several kilometers, so the answer is 200 km.
Therefore, a reasonable distance between two cities is A.200 km
Learn more about distance on
b. assist
c. listen
d. scold
c. exposition
b. explanation
Answer: The correct answer you are looking for is A . MAIN IDEA
What was once written as monsters in myth are now landmarks or natural structures that are now included in travel guides that attract tourists to visit that particular place. A good example of myth was that of Scylla who was once a maiden but transformed into monster who later became a rock. Today that rock where Scylla sits in myth is now a tourist attraction.
some festivals
some festivals last
last one or more weeks
last weeks
last one or more weeks
B. A raven was a distant smudge against the winter sky
C. Until the wind blows, I cannot fly my kite
D. Saturday is the best day to visit the museum
Be clear about your goals.
Choose effective words.
Be aware of feedback.
Understand your receiver.
The third step of effective communication is 'Understanding your receiver', which involves adjusting your communication based on the receiver's communication needs and perspectives.
The third step of effective communication is 'Understanding your receiver'. This step implies recognizing and adapting to the receiver's communication style, needs, and perspectives. It's important to have a clear idea of who you are communicating with. If you do not understand your receiver, your message may get misinterpreted or misunderstood. For instance, if you are communicating a complex science concept to a non-specialist audience, then you will need to avoid jargon and use layman's terms.