Estimate the quotient. 103,981.81 ÷ 8.122 A. 12,500 B. 1,250 C. 125 D. 12.5


Answer 1
Answer: The quotient of 103,981.81 ÷ 8.122 would be approximately 12,802.5, and the closest answer to that would be choice A. 12,500.

Note: The quotient in a division problem is the answer to the division problem.
Answer 2
Answer: if you estimate 103,981.81 to 104,000 and 8.122 to 8 you would get 13,000 which is closest to 12,500

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How do authors impart aesthetic elements? Check all that apply.through their word choicethrough persuasive argumentthrough their tonethrough facts and datathrough the story's mood



  • Through their word choice
  • Through their tone
  • Through the story's mood


Aesthetic is the incorporation of references to creative components or articulations inside a literary work. It's a technique used to advance or instruct perusers about vital creative articulation in the public arena.

Authors impart aesthetic elements through:

A. through their word choice

C. through their tone

E. through the story's mood

Aesthetic concepts in literature are considered to be very influential. In literature, aesthetic is the inclusion of references to artistic elements or expressions within a textual work.

The tone of an author describes the attitude of an author as well as his mood in his piece of writing.

Adapted from Wild Western Scenes: A Narrative of Adventuresby J. B. Jones

"Do you see any light yet, Joe?"
"Not the least speck that ever was created, except the lightning, and it's gone before I can turn my head to look at it."
The interrogator, Charles Glenn, reclined musingly in a two-horse wagon, the canvas covering of which served in some measure to protect him from the wind and rain. Joe Beck was perched upon one of the horses, his shoulders screwed under the scanty folds of an oil-cloth cape as the team plunged along in a stumbling pace. Their pathway, or rather their direction, for there was no beaten road, lay along the northern bank of the "Mad Missouri," some two hundred miles above the St. Louis settlement. It was at a time when there were few men in those regions save trappers and traders.
Our travelers had been told in the morning, when setting out from a temporary village which consisted of a few families, that they could attain the desired point by making the river their guide, should they be at a loss to distinguish the faintly-marked pathway that led in a more direct course to the place of destination. The storm coming up suddenly from the north, and showers of hail accompanying the gusts, caused the driver to incline his face to the left. The drenched horses, similarly influenced, had unconsciously departed far from the right line of march. Now, rather than turn his front again to the pitiless blast, which could be the only means of regaining the road, Joe preferred diverging still farther, until he should find himself on the margin of the river, by which time he hoped the storm would abate.
At all events, he thought there would be more safety on the beach, which extended out a hundred paces from the water, among the small switches of cotton-wood that grew thereon, than in the midst of the tall trees of the forest, where a heavy branch was every now and then torn off by the wind, and thrown to the earth with a terrible crash. Occasionally a deafening explosion of thunder would burst overhead; and Joe, stretching himself on the neck of his horse, would, with his eyes closed and his teeth set, bear it out in silence.
Which sentence best describes the setting?
a remote forest on a stormy night
the broad beach along a riverbank
the inside of a canvas-covered wagon
a village made up of a few families


Final answer:

The setting of the text from 'Wild Western Scenes: A Narrative of Adventures' by J.B. Jones is best described as 'a remote forest on a stormy night' which is referenced in option A.


The best sentence that describes the setting of the text adapted from Wild Western Scenes: A Narrative of Adventures by J.B. Jones is option A: 'a remote forest on a stormy night'. In the provided passage, the story takes place along the northern bank of the 'Mad Missouri,' two hundred miles above the St. Louis settlement, during a stormy night, with the main characters struggling against wind and rain. The setting includes the inside of a canvas-covered wagon (C) and the narrative also mentions a village (D) from where they started their journey, however, the most prevailing setting, in terms of the narrative’s mood and the characters' current circumstance, is the stormy, remote forest (A).

Learn more about Literary Setting here:



a. remote forest on a stormy night


Read the sentence. I regret buying the cheap TV at the electronics sale because it barely lasted a week before the screen went black and the volume stopped working. Based on the clues in this passage, the author uses the word cheap to meana. inexpensive
b. not well-made
c. economical
d. not low-priced i know it's not d or c but i cant decide between a and b


Based on the clues in this passage, the author uses the word cheap to mean inexpensive. Therefore option A is the correct response.

What are electronics?

The emission, behavior, and consequences of electrons via electronic devices are the subject of electronics, a subfield of electrical engineering and physics.

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To read more about Electronics, refer to -


     The answer is B. not well made. Because we see that the author says it barely lasted a week, and the volume stopped working.