The SQL 'DROP' command is used to delete all the content and structure of selected portions of a table, including the table schema. This operation is irreversible.
The command in SQL that will delete all the content and structure of selected portions of a table is the DROP command. The DROP command is used to delete a whole table or a database.
This command does not only remove the data inside the table, but it also eliminates the table schema or structure. It's important to note that this operation is irreversible, once executed it can't be undone.
For example, the command 'DROP TABLE tablename;' will delete the entire table with the name 'tablename' from your database.
b. False
True indeed
cybercards are most useful for....
answer - C
tracking internet based research
In computer systems, there are two types of devices: the input devices and the output devices. The input devices sends data or information to the computer system for processing while the output devices display or reproduce the result of the processing. A device can either be both which is called I/O device.
Best examples for input devices are the mouse and the keyboard. Examples of output are the computer monitors, speakers, and projectors. For I/O device, a USB flash drive is a best example.
Groupware also called a collaborative software enables a group of people in a network to concurrently use the same program or software or work on the same project. An example is Lotus Notes which is a program that enables users to exchange emails, calendar sharing, share documents so that all users can view same information and work on the same data at the same time. This helps people to work on a common project to achieve their goals. This collaboration to accomplish a common goal can be achieve via shared internet interfaces which enable users to interact within the group. The advantage of groupware is that participants of groupware don't have to be in the same location and also their personal existence is not necessary. Another advantage of groupware is that the project can be completed in a timely manner and every participant can see the progress of the project.