Lebanon decides to see how fast he could coast on his skateboard between his house and his friends George Charles George has 150 meters down the street from his house Lebanon and George marked the street with chalk and equal sections George recorded the time for Lebanon to complete each section of the trip their results are shown in the graph below


Answer 1



The graph shows the time it took Lebanon to complete each section of his trip on his skateboard. The x-axis represents the sections of the street that were marked with chalk, and the y-axis represents the time in seconds. To determine how fast Lebanon could coast on his skateboard between his house and his friend George's house, we need to analyze the graph. First, let's look at the slope of the graph. The slope represents the rate at which Lebanon was able to travel. In this case, the slope of the graph represents the speed of Lebanon on his skateboard. By examining the graph, we can see that the slope is steeper in some sections and less steep in others. This indicates that Lebanon was able to go faster in the steeper sections and slower in the less steep sections. To calculate the speed, we can divide the distance traveled in each section by the time taken. We can then compare the speeds in each section to determine the fastest speed. For example, let's say in section 1, Lebanon traveled a distance of 30 meters and it took him 10 seconds. The speed in section 1 would be 30 meters / 10 seconds = 3 meters per second. Similarly, we can calculate the speed for each section using the given data. By comparing the speeds in each section, we can determine the fastest speed at which Lebanon was able to coast on his skateboard between his house and George's house

Answer 2


The graph shows how long it took Lebanon to complete each section of his skateboard trip. To find out how fast he was going, we can calculate the speed for each section by dividing the distance traveled by the time taken. Then we can compare the speeds to see which section was the fastest. Sorry for the confusion caused by my previous message.


The given scenario is about Lebanon trying to see how fast he can coast on his skateboard between his house and his friend George's house. To measure his speed, Lebanon and George marked the street with chalk in equal sections. George recorded the time it took for Lebanon to complete each section of the trip.

The graph provided in the question represents the time it took Lebanon to complete each section. The x-axis of the graph represents the sections of the street marked with chalk, while the y-axis represents the time in seconds. Each point on the graph shows the time it took Lebanon to complete a specific section.

To determine how fast Lebanon was able to coast on his skateboard, we need to analyze the graph. The slope of the graph represents the rate at which Lebanon was able to travel. In this case, it represents the speed of Lebanon on his skateboard.

By examining the graph, we can see that the slope is steeper in some sections and less steep in others. This indicates that Lebanon was able to go faster in the steeper sections and slower in the less steep sections.

To calculate the speed, we can divide the distance traveled in each section by the time taken. However, the distances traveled in each section are not given in the question. Therefore, we cannot directly calculate the speed for each section.

However, we can compare the speeds indirectly by looking at the graph. By comparing the slopes of the graph in each section, we can get an idea of the relative speeds. The steeper the slope, the faster Lebanon was able to coast in that section.

In summary, the graph shows the time it took Lebanon to complete each section of his trip on his skateboard. The slope of the graph represents the speed at which Lebanon was able to travel. By comparing the slopes in each section, we can determine the relative speeds and find out where Lebanon was able to go fastest.

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I hope I helped! =D
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The correct answer would be A. Offspring are genetically identical to the parent.

Asexual reproduction refers to the type of reproduction in which only a single parent is involved.

It does not involve the formation and fusion of gametes.

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(This is very late o-o)

Correct answer: A. Offspring are genetically identical to the parent.

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Great question!

The dry season of Indonesia is an annual period of little or no rainfall, and this is one of many reasons why Indonesia is so hot in the dry season.

° I can't say all the reasons, but I'll tell you a few more.

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↑   ↑   ↑  Hope this helps! :D

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Minerals are naturally occurring, inorganic, crystalline substances. Gemstones are usually made by humans, which means their synthetic and not naturally made. The gemstones that do come from nature are organic like amber, not inorganic.

Not all minerals are considered gemstones because the designation of a gemstone depends on a combination of factors, including its beauty, rarity, durability, and demand in the market. Here are some reasons why not all minerals are classified as gemstones:

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Market Demand: The perception of value and demand for a mineral as a gemstone is influenced by cultural, historical, and fashion trends. The desirability of certain gemstones can change over time, driven by factors such as fashion trends, marketing, and cultural preferences. While a mineral may have the necessary qualities to be classified as a gemstone, if it lacks demand in the market, it may not be widely recognized or used as a gemstone.

It's important to note that gemstones are a subset of minerals, and the distinction between gemstones and other minerals is often subjective and based on human preferences. Some minerals may be considered gemstones in certain contexts or cultures while not being widely recognized as such globally. If you are planning to buy gemstones online then you can visit the CabochonsForSale they have wide collection of gemstone.

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Answer: (1) Folding, (2) Both formed by erosion, (3)Water containing chemicals dissolves the rock minerals. (4) Rapid burial,

(5) Deposited sediment, (6) Climate & environment,

(7) Oceanic plate subducts below a continental plate,

(8) Footprints of organisms.


  • Mountains are formed due to the collision of two continental plates, which generates folding. For example, the Himalayas.
  • Sand dunes as well as deltas are erosional features caused by the agents wind and water respectively.
  • Water that are rich in chemical undergoes chemical reaction with the adjacent country rocks is an example of chemical erosion.
  • In order to be a fossil, the first step is immediate burial of the dead remains and should not come in contact with Oxygen.
  • Deltas are the region near the sea which are produced due to the accumulation of sediments.
  • Palaeoclimatic condition and palaeo-environment can be determined from a fossil study.
  • When an oceanic plate and  continental plate collides, the denser oceanic plate gets subducted under less dense continental plate.
  • Foot prints, mold and cast are the common trace fossils.
deltas and sand dunes form from erosion
a river carrying dirt into a lake is a example of water erosion

fossils can tell us about environments

when the oceanic and continental plate collide, the oceanic plate sinks below the continental plate

a footprint is a trace fossil 

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