Why was Prohibition considered a joke?


Answer 1


1. Widespread Disregard

2. Increased Criminal Activity

3. Ineffectiveness of Law Enforcement

4. Rise of Moonshine

5. Social and Cultural Impact


During the era of Prohibition in the United States (1920-1933), when the production, sale, and distribution of alcoholic beverages were prohibited, Prohibition was often considered a joke for the following reasons:

1. Widespread Disregard: Despite the ban, there was a widespread disregard for Prohibition laws, leading to the rise of illegal activities such as bootlegging, speakeasies (secret bars), and organized crime. Many people continued to consume alcohol in secret, making Prohibition appear ineffective.

2. Increased Criminal Activity: Prohibition inadvertently fueled criminal activities, as underground networks emerged to produce and distribute alcohol illegally. Gangsters like Al Capone became notorious for their involvement in the illegal alcohol trade, and violence and corruption associated with bootlegging and speakeasies escalated.

3. Ineffectiveness of Law Enforcement: Prohibition posed significant challenges for law enforcement agencies, as it required a massive effort to enforce the ban and prosecute violators. The limited resources and corruption within law enforcement agencies hindered the effective enforcement of Prohibition laws, further undermining its credibility.

4. Rise of Moonshine: The ban on legal alcohol production led to the rise of homemade alcohol known as "moonshine." Moonshine was often of questionable quality and potency, leading to health risks and even deaths due to poorly distilled or contaminated products.

5. Social and Cultural Impact: Prohibition had unintended social consequences, as it contributed to a shift in societal norms. It led to the rise of a rebellious attitude against government regulations and an increase in secret social gatherings where alcohol was consumed, fostering a sense of excitement and defiance.

Overall, Prohibition was considered a joke because it failed to achieve its intended goals of reducing alcohol consumption, instead resulting in increased criminal activities, law enforcement challenges, and social defiance. The widespread disregard for the ban and the emergence of illegal alcohol networks contributed to its perception as an ineffective and impractical law.

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ANSWER : 1, 2, 5



The correct options are :

1.  Offices and other facilities would open across the community.

2. A pharmaceutical company planned to set up new headquarters.

5. Housing for workers would be constructed to support the new headquarters.


In the world of business, a development plan can be described as the policies or proposals which are made for developing or using a particular piece of land. Every development plan might have its own policies depending on the quality and type of land and the country where the policy is being made. For example, a pharmaceutical company when plans to set up a new headquarter then this plan comes under the developmental plan.

The options are- Workplaces and different offices would open across the community, a pharmaceutical company wanted to set up new base camp, Housing for laborers would be developed to help the new central command. In this way, choice (1), (2), and (5) are right.

Because of the advancement plan, different organizations and ventures would be drawn to the local area, prompting the launch of new workplaces and offices. This would almost certainly set out work open doors and spike monetarydevelopment nearby.

The arrangement incorporates the foundation of another base camp for a drug organization, showing a development of the pharmaceutical business in the community. This move might actually get more positions and speculation, adding to the development of the drug area.

The advancement plan involves the development of lodging for laborers related with the new pharmaceutical headquarters. This work to give convenience to the labor force would improve the region's enticement for organizations, making it more alluring for the two representatives and managers.

Subsequently, choice (1), (2), and (5) are right.

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