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Athens became the leading power of Greece after the Persian wars due to its strong navy and democratic government, while Sparta's focus on military strength and its oligarchy hindered its ability to become the leading Greek city-state.
Athens became the leading power of Greece after the Persian wars because of its strong navy and its democratic government. The Athenians had a powerful navy which helped them to defeat the Persians in the war. Additionally, Athens was known for its democratic government, which allowed more people to participate in decision-making and have a say in the city's affairs.
On the other hand, Sparta didn't become the leading Greek city-state because its focus was primarily on military strength rather than building a strong navy or embracing democracy. Sparta had a powerful land-based army, but it lacked the resources and infrastructure to become a major naval power like Athens. Furthermore, Sparta had a strict oligarchic government that limited the participation of its citizens, which hindered its ability to form alliances and build influence.
In summary, Athens became the leading power of Greece after the Persian wars due to its strong navy and democratic government, while Sparta's focus on military strength and its oligarchy hindered its ability to become the leading Greek city-state.
Learn more about Athens, Sparta, Persian Wars here:
Silver REPRESENTS money
The answer is D, national popular vote plan
freedom of the press
Russia is the largest country that was part of the former USSR. After the collapse of the socialist system, Russia opened up to capitalism and emerged as a developing power. However, although there are direct elections, Russia can not be considered a democracy. The Russian government, led by Putin practices censorship against the media and against the opposition. The Russian population does not have access to free information and the media criticizing the government are persecuted. This is similar to the methods of social control that the USSR practiced at the time of the socialist empire.