What is the song all about ,mulan


Answer 1



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write down what you want to know along with possible sources........ hope this helped you.

The correct answer is; write down what you want to know along with possible sources.

If my husband calls, tell him that I am on my way home. Which part of the sentenceabove is the adverb clause?
A.If my husband calls
B.tell him
C.that I am on my way home
D.No adverb clause





First we know a verb is like an action word.

Next we know an adverb adds on to that or kind of modifies it

The verb in this sentence would be tell him because you are telling someone something which is an action

So I think the answer is C because you are telling him you are on the way home.

What fallacies can be found in each of the passages below: (Please write only one type of fallacy under each extract.) 1.6.1 "My client is an integral part of this community. If he is sent to prison not only will this city suffer but also he will be most missed by his family. You surely cannot find it in your hearts to reach any other verdict than 'not guilty "" 1.6.2 "You will back up my story and tell the committee I am reasoning logically; because if you don't I will do everything in my power to see that you are fired." 1.6.3 "In recent studies researchers have shown that women have more accurate intuition than men do. The reason cited is that men's intuition is more often mistaken."



1.6.1 Fallacy: **Appeal to Pity (Ad Misericordiam)**

This passage contains an appeal to pity by emphasizing the negative consequences of a guilty verdict, such as the city suffering and the defendant's family missing him, to sway the decision-makers' emotions rather than relying on the merits of the case.

1.6.2 Fallacy: **Threat (Ad Baculum)**

The fallacy in this passage is a threat. The speaker is attempting to persuade someone to support their argument by using the threat of negative consequences (being fired) rather than presenting valid reasoning or evidence.

1.6.3 Fallacy: **Hasty Generalization**

The fallacy in this passage is a hasty generalization. It makes a sweeping generalization that women have more accurate intuition than men based on recent studies, without providing sufficient evidence or considering potential variables that could affect the results.

A paragraph is defined as a group of sentences that center on a


specific topic, and are usually just a single facet or element of the broader argument.

In many African cultures, masks represent spirits, including ancestors, animals, and nature spirits. a. True
b. False



Masks in many African cultures represent spirits, including ancestors, animals and nature spirits. These masks can be made from wood, bronze, textiles and copper. People who made masks were considered superior in their societies because it was widely believed that they had contact with ancestral spirits.




I took the quiz!

Bina said to Bikash, "Did he arrive on time?"​


no,he didn’t. Am I correct? XD