To find this out, change all of them into decimals. To change a percent into a decimal, divide the percent by 100. To change a fraction into a decimal, divide the numerator by the denominator. 24% as a decimal is 0.24. 1/5 as a decimal is 0.20.
Multiply each of the decimals by the number of students.
0.24*25= 6
0.20*25= 5
0.56*25= 14
6 people voted on section A
5 people voted on section B
14 people voted on section C
Hope it helps :)
D is the correct answer i think hope this helps
Step-by-step explanation:
Circumference = diameter x PI
Circumference = 3.14 x 68 yards = 213.52 yards.
Area = PI x r^2
r = 1/2 the diameter = 1/2 x 68 = 34 yards.
Area = 3.14 x 34^2 = 3.14 x 1156 = 3629.84 yards^2