The “Kill an Indian, Save a Man” play was play by the US government. The government would send Indian children to boarding school. In this school, children were raise and taught to be “white” Americans. The Indian children were forced to stop talking in their native language and were forced to abandon their Indian Culture.
-New Jersey Island
- Ellis Island
-Brooklyn Island
Ellis Island is on the East Coast. Angle Island is on the West Coast. Immigrants entering New York passed through Ellis island and those entering San Francisco passed through Angel Island
B) Candide
C) An Essay on Man
D) A Vindication of the Rights of Woman
35. "Come for a meal and who has the best seat? Whose preferences determine what we eat?"
36. "And, spite of Pride, in erring Reason's spite, One truth is clear, whatever is, is right."
37. " Ritches and hereditary honours have made cyphers of women..."
38. "What is optimism?" ... "Alas,... it is a mania for saying that are well when one is in hell."
39. "Standing armies can never consist of resplute, robust men; but they will seldom contain men under the influence of strong passions, or with very vigorous faculties."
40. "Destroy all Creatures for thy sport or gust, Yet cry, if Man's unhappy, God's unjust;"
41. "A woman tells a man her love's a sham. The man's been fooled and his honor blighted. He can't deny his love is unrequired."
42. "Foold admire everything in a well-known author. I read only for my own pleasure; I like only what is in my style."
35. A (It can be found in scene two, said by the character Clante.)
36. C (It can be found in An Essay on Man: Epistle I, part X)
37. D (It can be found in A Vindication of the Rights of Woman with Strictures on Political and Moral Subjects by Mary Wollstonecraft - Page 16)
38. B (From Candide, by Voltaire. Quote in page 91.)
39. D (It can be found in A Vindication of the Rights of Woman with Strictures on Political and Moral Subjects by Mary Wollstonecraft – also in Page 16)
40. C (It can be found in An Essay on Man: Epistle I, part IV)
41. A (It can be found in scene four, said by Valre)
42. B (From Candide, by Voltaire. Quot in page 137.)