In "Games at Twilight" by Anita Desai, the author employs a carefully crafted structure to build tension throughout the narrative. During the rising action of the story, tension is masterfully created through the use of foreshadowing and the gradual buildup of anticipation. Desai introduces the game of hide-and-seek, a seemingly innocent childhood activity, and as the children engage in it, she skillfully hints at the consequences that might await the protagonist, Ravi, when he is chosen as the seeker. This foreshadowing plants the seeds of anxiety in the reader's mind, making each moment of Ravi's pursuit more suspenseful. As the other children find their hiding spots, Ravi's desperation and frustration increase, and the structure allows the tension to mount steadily, culminating in the climactic moment.
In the climax of the story, Desai's structural choices come to fruition, creating a powerful and emotional impact. As Ravi discovers the reality of his situation, being left in the dark storage shed as the other children forget about him, the tension reaches its peak. The structure accentuates the isolation and fear that Ravi experiences, as his world becomes confined to the tiny shed. The reader is drawn into the emotional turmoil of the character, feeling the intensity of the moment as if they were trapped alongside him. In this way, Desai's use of structure, from the initial foreshadowing to the climactic isolation, masterfully builds and sustains tension, making "Games at Twilight" a compelling exploration of childhood emotions and experiences.
A. Both Greta and Fred
B. Looked forward
C. Already missed
D. On the other hand
Intensive pronoun ( B )
An intensive pronoun is used to emphasize the importance of an antecedent. while an Antecedent is an expression that gives meaning to something that has existed before or precedes another ( also known as a Proform ). An intensive pronoun is used to emphasize on such expression such that it gives the expression a clearer meaning and understanding to the reader of the sentence in which the context is found. Example of such pronoun in a sentence is : Paul missed his flight because he overslept last night. from this sentence he is the intensive pronoun while Paul is the antecedent of he in the sentence.
Answer:it explains his decent into madness
it explains his decent into maddness ans hid dive into depresoin
The formula for calculating the area of a rectangle is A = bh. However, for a triangle, the formula is A = 0.5 * bh. This means that the area of a triangle is half the product of its base length and height.
The statement in the question is partially correct. The formula A = bh is used to calculate the area of certain shapes like rectangles. However, for a triangle, the formula to calculate area is slightly different. It is A = 0.5 * bh, where 'A' represents the area, 'b' is the base of the triangle, and 'h' stands for the height.
This formula essentially means that the area of the triangle is half the product of its base length and height. For example, if the base of a triangle is 6 units and the height is 8 units, the area would be 0.5 * 6 * 8 = 24 square units.
It is very important, when approaching a new topic, to read the exposition of the story. The exposition refers to the backdrop of the story. In this section, the author talks about the characters' past, their motivations and desires. It is also the section in which the reader introduces the context of the story and the setting in which this takes place. This is all vital information if the reader wants to understand the details of the story.