draw the global meteoric water line, including the proper slope and intercept. whichends are typical of warm and moist areas? which are typical of dry, colder areas?


Answer 1

The global meteoric water line (GMWL) is a linear relationship that describes the isotopic composition of precipitation (meteoric water) in various regions of the world. It is represented by the equation:

δD = 8 * δ18O + 10

In this equation, δD represents the deuterium excess, and δ18O represents the isotopic composition of oxygen-18 in meteoric water.

Warm and Moist Areas: In warm and moist regions, such as tropical rainforests, you typically find precipitation falling on the lower-left end of the GMWL because both δD and δ18O values are relatively high. The warm temperatures contribute to higher values.

Dry, Colder Areas: Dry and colder regions, like polar areas or high mountainous regions, tend to have precipitation falling on the upper-right end of the GMWL, as both δD and δ18O values are relatively low. The cold temperatures and lower humidity contribute to these lower values.

The GMWL helps scientists understand the sources and processes influencing the isotopic composition of meteoric water in different climatic regions.

To learn more about meteoric, click here.



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Select all the answers that apply. Types of evidence that astronomers use to estimate the age of the universe and stars include _____. radioactive dating of rocks fossil evidence movement of galaxies molecular clocks chemical composition of the Sun Geological evidence of the age of the earth includes _____. radiometric dating of rocks fossil evidence comparative anatomy molecular clocks gradual processes of rock formation


The answer that apply;

  1. Movement of galaxies
  2. Chemical composition of the Sun.

Light and the time it takes to traverse between particular points in the universe is used to calculate the age of distant stars and galaxies. Because of the vast nature of the universe, light takes earth years for it to travel from one galaxy to another. By knowing the speed of light and the amount of time taken for the light to travel from a distant celestial body, and use of geometric calculations, and brightness measurements we can tell in approximation the age of the celestial body. The age can also star can also be determined by their composition. Youg stars are mainly found have lighter elements such as helium. As they age, they have more composition of heavier elements such as iron. This is due to the fusion at the core of the sun that fuses lighter elements to heavier elements.

The answers that apply are;

  1. radiometric dating of rocks
  2. fossil evidence
  3. gradual processes of rock

Radiometric dating means the use of half-life of naturally decaying elements such as carbon-14 to tell the age of a fossil or rock. The gradual formation of rocks such as lithification of sedimentary rock or metamorphosis of rock is also used to calculate the age of the earth by studying the stage in the process in which the rocks are in and extrapolating the age using calculations.

Types of evidence that astronomers use to estimate the age of the universe and stars include movement of galaxies.

Geological evidence of the age of the earth includes fossil evidence.

Identify the three main stages of a tropical cyclone


First there is a traveling tropical disturbance, which can cause air in the developing cyclone to rise. 
Then it acquires cyclonic circulation around a center of low pressure, called a tropical depression. 
If winds then exceed 65 km/hr it is called a tropical storm.

Multiple answer required. These three countries occupy the large island off the European continent about 20 miles from France. Their major cities are Glasgow, Cardiff and London. Name these three countries, which, with Northern Ireland, make up the United Kingdom.


The three countries that make up the United Kingdom as well as Northern Ireland are:
England (London is the capital)
Wales (Cardiff is Wales’ major city)
Scotland (Glasgow is Scotlands major city)

Hope this helps :)

In what type of rocks are most fossils found?


Sedimentary rocks is the answer

coal is the rock that most fossils are found

I am a large lake in Canada. I am not one of the Great Lakes. I am southwest of Hudson Bay


Lake Winnipeg is a large lake southwest of Hudson Bay

What features of the newspaper helped you connect the pieces perfectly


Headline generally just four or five words. It attempts to pull in light of a legitimate concern for the peruser by disclosing to them what the story is about, in a short and fascinating way.It will put things in place and outline the central matters of the article: who, what, when, where.  

Further Explanation:  


The Headline or heading is the content demonstrating the idea of the article underneath it. The enormous sort first page feature did not come into utilization until the late nineteenth century when expanded challenge between papers prompted the utilization of alluring features.  

How would you compose a newspaper Headline:  

Headline ought to be clear and explicit, recounting to the peruser what the story is about, and be intriguing enough to draw them into perusing the article.  

1. 5-10 words and no more.  

2. should be precise and explicit.  

3. Use current state and dynamic action words, however don't begin with an action word.  

4. Use infinitive type of action word for future activities.  

Headline are significant:  

Headline are extremely the most significant piece of your article composing. It is the principal thing that can catch the eye of your peruser or web guest. Your features, in actuality, are your first genuine purpose of association with your planned client, so you have to get them right.  

Primary highlights of a news report:  

News has three essential qualities and characteristics, in particular realness, practicality and exactness. Legitimacy: News solicitations to report genuine certainties. Through such genuine certainties, individuals can pick up knowledge into the loftiness of the universe, the pattern of social improvement, and the elements of life development.

Subject: Geography

Level: High School

Keywords: Headline, How would you compose a newspaper Headline, Headline are significant, Primary highlights of a news report.  

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